#WorldAgainstRacism #NoRacismNoFascism trending on Twitter in Mobilising day as statues of slave traders are ‘sacked’

Anti racists get #WorldAgainstRacism

#NoRacismNoFascism trending on

Twitter in day of mobilisation as

statues of slave traders are ‘sacked’

Highlighting  UN Anti Racism Day international day of protest on 20 March

Today marked a ‘day of mobilisation’ by Stand Up To Racism and the TUC, with #WorldAgainstRacism and #NoRacismNoFascism trending number 3 on Twitter UK Politics.

Twelve trade unions – NEU, PCS, CWU, RMT, GMB, TSSA, ASLEF, BFAWU, EIS, Unite, Unison, and the Musician’s Union – and a whole host of anti racist activists, campaigners and local groups from all across Britain took to social media to build awareness and support for the 20 March UN Anti Racism Day of international coordinated protests, actions and online link up and solidarity. 

The day kicked off with Stand Up To Racism Glasgow activists making national news in their #SackTheSlavers action that saw three statues of men who profited from the slave trade and colonial repression “sacked” with giant cloth sacks, and anti racists, safely socially distanced, taking the knee and putting up #BlackLivesMatter and other anti racist slogans. 

Around the country, other actions included postal workers and NHS workers gathering, safely socially distanced, in their workplaces in uniform to stand with the day of mobilisation. 

In Bristol, Stand Up To Racism activists held a safely distanced banner unveil at the empty plinth where Coleston’s statue was removed.

In the wake of Priti Patel’s heinous attack on the Black Lives Matter movement, describing it as “dreadful” and deriding the #TakeTheKnee campaign, today’s day of mobilisation, and the fact that it was taken up so widely, was a clear rebuttal and a sign of the anti racist majority that we must mobilise to overcome the threat of racism, and stop the attempts by the far right and fascist forces to grow amidst the crisis. 

Stand Up To Racism encourages anti racists to join, get involved in their local groups, and support the 20 March global day of protest.

Join Stand Up To Racism here

Get involved – email us at [email protected]
 to find your nearest local group

In a workplace or trade union? Book up now for our trade union conference held jointly with the TUC on 27 February (online), From Covid19 to #BlackLivesMatter – Fighting for Anti Racist Workplacesbook your place here

Get organised now for the global day of protest on 20 March – see resources, and details of what you can do to get involved and promote it here

Weyman Bennett, co convenor Stand Up To Racism, said
“Anti racists will continue to both take the knee and build BLM. This divide and rule approach must be rejected by all who wish to keep our multi racial society flourishing.

“In words that could have come from various far right figures, Priti Patel’s rhetoric is both insulting and dangerous.

“It is particularly galling from a party that had covered up racism within in it’s own ranks. Johnson, calling Black people picanninies, watermelon smiles, and muslim women looking like bank robbers, which she has made no comment on.

“The powerful Black Lives Matter movement that erupted in rage at the murder of George Floyd and reverberated around the globe shows the scale of anti racism and potential for a mass anti racist movement that can turn the tide.

“On 20 March, the global day of protest for UN Anti Racism Day is a crucial day of solidarity that can help grow the anti racist movement everywhere.” 

 Ruby Hirsch, from Glasgow Stand Up To Racism, said
As Home Secretary Priti Patel calls Black Lives Matter protests ‘dreadful’ and sections of the media brand taking a knee as ‘divisive’, the anti-racist movement has been under attack.“We will not be silenced, we will continue to make noise and take action against racism.“Statues in this city that celebrate brutal racist colonialists who put down slave revolts are a symbol of how the legacy of slavery has never been properly addressed.“We want to break from this blood-soaked history of oppression and create a society that celebrates the lives of the slaves who revolted, not the Lords who violently tried to keep them down.”Masked activists visited three statues in the city, in a socially distanced and safe way, that celebrate figures involved in the legacy of slavery and colonialism to offer an alternative narrative. The website www.toppletheracists.org was used as a resource that highlights statues across Britain.Hirsch suggested, “Glasgow could celebrate in statue those who called for an end to the barbaric trade, such as the former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass who toured Scotland in 1846 speaking at large meetings to abolish slavery, instead of these racists.”


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