#WorldAgainstRacism holding summit to plan mass global anti racist protests for 21 March 2020, UN Anti Racism Day

2019’s UN Anti Racism Day protests, coordinated globally by the #WorldAgainstRacism network, saw tens of thousands marching in over 60 cities worldwide. As the threat of the far right and racist populism becomes more urgent, this year’s UN Anti Racism Day demonstrations on 21 March aim to be even bigger
PRESS RELEASE: for immediate release

#WorldAgainstRacism international network calls day of mass global demonstrations on Saturday 21 March 2020 for UN Anti Racism Day ahead of major international conference this Saturday against racism, fascism, Islamophobia & Antisemitism

Anti racist organisations operating nationally in twelve countries are taking part in a #WorldAgainstRacism summit in London (20 September) to organise a day of mass global demonstrations against racism and fascism on UN Anti Racism Day, 21 March 2020.

The summit to discuss international plans for 2020’s UN Anti Racism Day demonstrations will take place the day after a major international conference in London organised by Stand Up To Racism on Saturday 19 October: ‘Challenging Johnson, Trump and the racist right: an international conference against racism, fascism, Islamophobia and Antisemitism’, headlined by shadow home secretary Diane Abbott.

Speakers on 19 October also include Guardian journalist Gary Younge, rapper Lowkey, Ukrainian LGBT+ activist Vitalina Koval who was targeted in a hate crime enacted by the far right, MPs Richard Burgon and Emma Dent Coad, MEPs Claude Moraes and Julie Ward, representatives from Muslim and Jewish organisations, union leaders including Kevin Courtney of the National Education Union (NEU) and Mark Serwotka of the Public & Commercial Services Union (PCS), alongside international speakers and delegations. It takes place 9.30am to 4.30pm at Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ, with workshops and plenaries running through the day.  The timetable can be viewed here

In March 2019, #WorldAgainstRacism delivered mass demonstrations saying no to racism and fascism in over 60 cities worldwide. Next year, on 21 March, the network intends to deliver even larger mobilisations, in a growing number of countries.

The network’s call states the importance of international coordination in challenging the rise in racism and fascism:  

“The dangers of racism and fascism are growing by the day. Racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism are on the rise everywhere. There is already growing resistance to the rise of fascism and racism in different countries, and it has shown it can be effective. Now we need more unity and solidarity internationally to face up to racism and the far right. For these and many more reasons we are coming together in an International Meeting for a World Against Racism, in London, on 20 October 2019”

Movements that have signed the call so far are Aufstehen Gegen Rassismus, Germany; Comité 21 Maart, Netherlands; Crida Contra el Racisme, País Valencià; DC United Against Hate, Washington DC, USA; Fællesinitiativet mod racisme og diskrimination/ United against racism and discrimination, Denmark; KEERFA, Greece; Love Aotearoa Hate Racism, New Zealand; Platform 21/03 against racism, Belgium; Plattform für eine menschliche Asylpolitik, Austria; Unitat Contra el Feixisme i el Racisme, Catalunya; United Against Racism and Fascism, NYC, USA; Zjednoczeni Przeciw Rasizmowi, Poland; and Stand Up To Racism, Britain.

Sabby Dhalu, co convenor Stand Up to Racism said
“Racism, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, and the blaming of refugees and migrants, has accompanied the fall in living standards and the slowdown of the global economy. These have been deliberate policies designed to make the 1 percent better off and the 99 percent worse off, to divide the 99 percent and distract from the problems caused by the 1 percent.

“A better world is possible and eradicating racism is essential to creating this. On UN Anti Racism Day, Saturday 21 March 2020, we will demonstrate the breadth of opposition to rising racism. We are one world against racism and fascism.”

Gordon Beeferman, United Against Racism and Fascism-New York City said
“As we saw last week in Halle, and as we see far too often now, far-right terror—racist, Antisemitic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homo- and transphobic, among others–is on the rise. We must unite locally, nationally, and worldwide to end such devastating violence, and the climate of fear, hatred, and dehumanisation that brings it about.”

Christine Buccholz, member of the Bundestag and Aufstehen Gegen Rassismus (Stand Up Against Racism) said
“The right terror against the synagogue in Halle and the shots into a kebab shop fill me with horror. I feel with the bereaved. Antisemitism, like all forms of racism, will continue to be opposed. We stand against the right wing agitators, inside and outside of parliament.”

Weyman Bennett, co convenor Stand Up To Racism, said
“Mainstream politicians are whipping up racist division and creating a ‘hostile environment’ that scapegoats and demonises migrants and refugees–from Trump, to Johnson. They are giving cover to the spreading of vile racist division. We know, not least from the history of the horror of the Holocaust, that the scapegoating of a particular community only opens the door to other forms of racism to be aired openly in society.

“We condemn the atmosphere of racism that has been engineered by politicians across Europe, Britain, the US and over the world. They have played with fire. We must stand up now against racism, against fascism, and in unity. We are building an international network of opposition to the racist division that has led to the kinds of heartbreaking horrors we witnessed again in Halle. This is something we must all act on. We say Never Again.”

Notes for editors
Stand Up To Racism is a major anti-racist organisation with support across the labour and trade union movement and from many faith groups. We are holding an international conference against racism and fascism on Saturday 19 October. For speakers and themes go here 

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