Why we’re marching on 26 October

stop the far right sutr demo

The Islamophobia, violent attacks on Mosques, arson attacks on hotels housing refugees and other racist violence during the summer 2024 riots illustrate the deadly surge of racism driven by the far right and fascist groups.

Jewish communities faced pogroms and the Holocaust in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Fascist movements today remain deeply antisemitic. Racists and fascists stand for pogroms against Muslims, Jews, refugees, migrants, African, Asian, Caribbean, Gypsy, Roma, traveller communities and all those who face racism.

All racism must be stopped in its tracks. 
The most effective way of countering the far right is by mobilising on the broadest possible scale against them, in the spirit of Cable Street in 1936 and the Anti Nazi League two generations later. We know from history that fascism has grown when groups of hardened racists are able to dominate the streets.
Communities facing racism are safer, stronger and more empowered when they organise themselves and their allies in huge numbers to make clear that hate will not be tolerated. Such mobilisations show the majority oppose racism and deter people from joining the far right.
Stand Up to Racism is a movement against all forms of racism including Islamophobia and antisemitism. 
Stand Up to Racism believes our society is stronger because of migration and we campaign for stronger refugee, migrant and human rights.
Stand Up to Racism campaigns against racism deeply embedded in our laws and institutions as shown in the Windrush scandal and the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry.
Stand Up to Racism rejects the attempt to label as ‘hate marches’ the peaceful demonstrations calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and opposing the far right Israeli government’s attacks on the Palestinian people. This Islamophobia has emboldened the far right.
The far right seeks to attack the rights of women and brutally oppress LGBT+ people. Stand Up to Racism seeks to build a movement based on equality and diversity. 
Austerity and attacks on the 99% are breeding grounds for racism. Far right politicians seek to exploit despair blaming migrants for a housing shortage, a collapsing NHS and a low-pay economy. Fascists also target trade unions and workers movements. Stand up to Racism rejects this. We urge political parties and politicians to challenge, not concede to racism and reverse the shortage and underfunding of housing, schools and hospitals.
We seek to unite all communities who face racism and the broadest alliance against all forms of racism.
If you support these principles, please join us on the demonstration against Tommy Robinson on 26th October and build a movement against racism, fascism, Islamophobia and antisemitism, that celebrates our multicultural and diverse society.

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