Already over 1.5 million people have fled the Ukraine War and this is set to dramatically increase. Meanwhile reports of racism towards African and Asian people in Ukraine and Poland are continuing.
The British government has failed to implement a refugee scheme to allow people to seek asylum in Britain and has failed to show leadership in opposing racism towards Africans and Asians in Ukraine and Poland.
The government’s ‘Hostile Environment’ embodied in the anti-refugee Nationality & Borders Bill – that all but ends legal right to claim asylum in Britain – continues in the face of humanitarian disaster.
All refugees should be welcomed here – from Ukraine and from every war zone whether it’s Afghanistan, Syria or the Sudan. Visas should be waved for Ukrainian refugees. We also need safe routes for African, Middle Eastern and other refugees, so they’re not left to drown in the channel or the Mediterranean.
If you would like to get involved in the day of action and/or as a volunteer on the protests please email us at [email protected]