A big thankyou to all the unions and activists who made the#StandUpToRacism trade union conference such a success!
Despite having the challenge of mobilising against fascist ‘Tommy Robinson’ in Salford on the same day, over 200 attended the conference from across the trade union movement, for a day of discussion, debate, and sharing experiences and stories of fighting from unions and inside workplaces to challenge institutionalised racism and build a mass anti racist movement with working class solidarity at its heart.

Workshops held lively discussions and heard from brilliant panel speakers, exploring themes such as ‘Anti Racism in Education’, ‘Challenging Islamophobia and the Prevent Agenda’, ‘Opposing the Far Right and raising union delegations for the Unite Against Fascism annual educational trip to Auschwitz’, ‘Defending Migrants’ Rights and Free Movement’, ‘Music, Trade Unionists & Anti Racism’ and ‘Solidarity with Refugees’.

Plenaries heard angering experiences of institutionalised racism and brilliant examples of collective resistance and solidarity in challenging racism with speakers from #Windrush #Unite #RMT #Unison #UCU #TUC.

It was great to see big delegations, such as the #PCS & #CWU, and so many individual union activists coming along to get more involved.
We rounded off the day with speakers from #NEU #FBU #RMT #CWU #TUC, an update from a US activist building a march in Washington DC for UN Anti Racism Day as part of the international coordination, and a speaker from the Youth Strike For Climate.
In every union, now it’s all out for a mass turnout on the demos for 16 March #WorldAgainstRacism demonstrations, here taking place in London, Glasgow and Cardiff.
Monday 11 March:Trade union impact day!
Trade unions have brought together their communications teams to have a major social media day of action on 11 March to build the demonstrations on 16 March using #Unions4Unity.
Do something on this day in your workplace, get together colleagues and take selfies to show active support and share pictures and events on social media with the unions’ hashtag, along with the internationally agreed #WorldAgainstRacism and #NoRacismNoFascism