SUTR Model Motion summer 2024: Unite against fascist Tommy Robinson 27 July

This branch/ region/ executive notes:

  • On Saturday 27 July, fascist “Tommy Robinson” is calling on his far right, racist and Nazi thug supporters to “take over Trafalgar Square”. Robinson was a member of the Nazi British National Party and founded the English Defence League. 
  • On 1 June, Robinson put over 5,000 on the streets. The mobilisation was extremely Islamophobic and racist. Lawrence Fox echoed the Nazi National Front slogan “I want my country back” from the stage of the event. Robinson’s supporters chanted “who the f*** is Allah” and other hateful slogans.
  • Robinson has called for even bigger numbers to take to the streets on 27 July. 
  • Internationally fascists and the far right have made frightening gains in the European elections, taking some 30 percent in France, Italy and Austria.

This branch/ region/ executive believes:

  • Fascists and the far right in Britain have been fuelled by the virulent anti refugee and Islamophobic racism pushed by Sunak’s government. 
  • The threat posed is heightened by a toxic climate of racism, with Nigel Farage standing in Clacton for Reform UK. Fascist Robinson has endorsed Farage, and hard right Tory Suella Braverman, calling on his supporters to vote Reform UK. The general election was immediately preceded by Sunak’s horrific racist shock detention raids after passing the Rwanda plan. 
  • Talk of “extremists” tearing Britain apart,  “Islamist” threat and “mob rule” is a racist attempt to slur Muslims and all those actively asserting their right to protest against war and for a ceasefire. Tory MPs like Braverman, Truss and Sunak have emboldened Islamophobes like fascist Tommy Robinson. Antisemitic hate crimes are also increasing.
  • The Tories are weak, facing splits to their right, and are stoking far right fears, Islamophobia, racism and division. We must unite against racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism. We must vehemently defend the right to protest and want to see those hundreds of thousands who have been demonstrating in recent months over Palestine on the streets on 27 July to unite against the fascist threat.
  • A snap French election could see fascist Marine Le Pen win the presidency. Trump returning to the White House in November is a real prospect. 
  • While Robinson claimed his film was about “two tier” policing, he is pursuing the agenda he has for years—spreading racism, islamophobia and division and building the forces of fascism in Britain. 
  • We must build the biggest protest to unite against him as possible. This means unions, faith groups, campaigns and organisations, politicians and cultural figures—all opposed fascism—coming together on the day. 

This branch/ region/ executive resolves:

  • To support the protest called by Stand Up To Racism and backed by many unions, organisations and campaigns on 27 July to unite against fascist Tommy Robinson, and to send the banner with a delegation, and cover the costs of transport
  • To support the rescheduled #StopRwanda coalition demonstration when it’s date is announced after the general election result and campaign for its demands
  • To support and build the #Unions4Unity bloc to ensure there is a strong trade union presence at the heart of the united against Robinson’s hatred and attempts to divide us. To circulate details to members encouraging them to join the march on Saturday 27 July, and circulate local transport details and materials (see for details of coaches, leaflets)
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