SUTR International Conference: Stop the rise of fascism, racism and the far right

sutr international conference 16 november 2024

Updated 15 September 2024: after this conference was called and the flyer written, racist riots swept the UK that were eventually pushed back by anti-racists outnumbering them on the streets.

Register today:

16th November 2024 • Central London

Anti-racists celebrated the impact of the movement on the streets during the French election campaign, opposing fascist Le Pen and the Rassemblement National (RN). But
while the RN did not win, this is no time for complacency as they went from 89 to 143
seats. We must sound the alarm.

We face an enormous challenge to stop the forces of fascism and the far right in Europe and beyond.

In Italy, the fascist Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy are already in power – while the European election in June saw fascists winning around 30 percent of the vote in France, Italy and Austria (in Germany, the far right AfD took 16 percent).

Later this year the US election could see Trump back in the White House – while
the fascist FPÖ could top the polls in Austria. Whatever the outcome of upcoming elections, it is clear the far right is in the ascendancy.


Inspired by their advances, the fascist Tommy Robinson is attempting to relaunch a racist, far right street movement in Britain.

While fascist forces are weak both electorally and organisationally here, Robinson got over 5,000 on the streets for a vile Islamophobic mobilisation on 1 June – and followed this up with a protest threatening to “take over” London on 27 July.

The demonstrations to unite against him are a huge test and a crucial stepping stone in building a broad, united mass campaign to stop him.

Fascists and the far right have been given the space to grow by the rampant racism stoked by Sunak’s government —particularly targeting refugees, migrants and Muslims.

Nigel Farage and the racist Reform UK party – endorsed by Robinson – gained 5 seats and helped make 2024 the most racist general election campaign in generations.


Keir Starmer’s Labour echoes the racist narrative, prioritising ‘stop the boats’ rhetoric and refusing to support safe passage policies for those seeking asylum.

The space for the far right will continue to develop. We must challenge, expose and oppose them to defeat them.

The conference on 16 November will bring together campaigning organisations
against racism and fascism internationally, in conjunction with the World Against Racism & Fascism network, to discuss and debate the way forward in fighting the rise of fascism, racism and the far right.

Register today:


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