Model motion: support #StopRwanda campaign & oppose fascist Tommy Robinson

StopRwanda campaign model motion

This Branch is appalled by the passing of the Rwanda Bill and believes it is part of a raft of legislation that breaches internationally recognised human rights. From the Nationality and Borders Act to the Illegal Migration Act, the government has criminalised the vast majority of those who are driven to exercise their human right to seek asylum. It now faces calls from the UN and Council of Europe to reverse the Rwanda Bill.

We are shocked by the announcement of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that refugees will be snatched when attending immigration service centres for standard appointments. We condemn the government’s attempts and efforts to detain people in this manner, and we call on everyone opposed to racism and in favour of human rights to oppose them. 

The Branch believes all trade unions must defend the human rights and dignity of those seeking safety and refuge. We must mobilise mass opposition and mount a broad campaign challenging the government’s Rwanda Plan.  The fight to oppose the Rwanda plan must go hand in hand with the demand for Safe Passage Now.  We reject the government’s vile politics of racist divide and rule, which is intensifying, dangerously fuelling, and enabling the growth of the far right as it approaches the general election. 

This Branch believes that the government’s racist offensive against refugees and migrants, as well as its whipping up of Islamophobia, is fuelling the far right and offering legitimacy to fascist forces and figures, such as Tommy Robinson.

This Branch notes that fascist Tommy Robinson is mobilising for a demonstration in central London on Saturday 1 June, and that Stand Up To Racism has called a counter protest to Unite Against Fascist Tommy Robinson on that day.

agrees to support the campaign being organised by Care4Calais and Stand Up to Racism by mobilising for and participating in the

  2. #StopRwanda campaign launch and press conference in parliament as part of refugee week (17 – 23 June)
  3. BIG LONDON/ NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION, SAT 29 JUNE to #StopRwanda detention, deportations, raids and flights.
  4. Counter protest to Unite against fascist Tommy Robinson (Sat 1 June)

This branch further calls on our union at regional and national level to:

  1. Support the campaign against the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda.
  2. Publicise and encourage members to attend the demonstrations and participate in the X/Twitterstorm.
  3. Help facilitate members involvement in these protests. 
  4. Work with Care4Calais and Stand Up to Racism to develop this campaign; and 
  5. Demand that a future Labour government scarps the Rwanda Act and returns anyone deported to Rwanda detention. 
  6. Support the counter protest against fascist Tommy Robinson on 1 June by agreeinf to send a delegation and banner on the day and publicising the protest
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