Stand Up To Racism protest in Glasgow backed by trade unions and celebrities outnumbers racists 10 to one

PRESS RELEASE – for immediate release, 7 September 2024

Stand Up To Racism protest in Glasgow backed by trade unions and celebrities outnumbers racists 10 to one 

George Sq, Glasgow


Over 5,000 anti racists in Scotland showed that supporters of refugees are the majority in society, with a massive show of solidarity in response to a planned anti-immigration rally organised by the far-right who turned out less than 500. Five weeks ago, far-right figurehead fascist Tommy Robinson tweeted the Glasgow rally, organised by Stef Shaw aka the ‘Glasgow Cabbie’, with the message ‘the British are rising’. Those joining the Robinson-backed ‘rising’ could hardly hear their hate-filled speeches which were drowned out by speeches and chants from the antiracism rally.

SUTR revealed Shaw’s links to antisemites, Holocaust deniers and individuals with a background of activism in Nazi and far right organisations. Shaw issued a statement in response – and then fell silent for 13 days, leaving followers on his Facebook page perplexed and wondering if the protest was still happening today. Shaw was a no-show at his own protest today, despite having launched a GoFundMe fundraiser towards the demo that people donated £2,400 towards.

The display of unity from trade unionists, with a sea of banners and flags from more than ten different trade unions, interfaith organisations, Muslim and Jewish activists, refugee rights charities, pro-Palestine activists and antiracists from across Scotland shows there is mass opposition to the far-right and their violence. But when speaker after speaker had to emphasise the election results by Reform UK, a far-right and racist party, it underlines that this is only the beginning of a battle to root racism out of our communities.

Talat Ahmed, SUTR Scotland convenor said: “Our rally was about celebrating and defending multiculturalism and diversity and saying loud and clear that refugees are welcome here and aren’t to blame for the problems in society. And that the far right, with their toxic politics of hate and division, are not welcome in Scotland. After Reform UK, a far-right party, achieved 7 percent of the vote in Scotland in the general election, and the chilling news this week that the AfD, a party with a neonazi wing, had a breakthrough in German state elections, we urge all to unite against the far-right, racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.”

Commenting on the rally Linda Somerville, STUC Deputy General Secretary, said: “We have long warned that the far-right poses a dangerous threat in the UK, spreading racist hate amongst communities that are often marginalised and under-resourced. The cruel impacts of austerity, compounded by the drip feed of anti-migrant rhetoric from parts of the media and some politicians has created these conditions. Trade unions have a long history of defending our communities against fascists and racists and proudly joined the rally in Glasgow to show racists that they have no place here.”

Sabir Zazai. Scottish Refugee Council CEO, said

As a refugee charity, we are no strangers to messages of hate from the far-right. But these are always overwhelmingly out-numbered by a huge amount of support from across Scotland. We were in George Square on Saturday to make it clear that refugees are welcome here”

Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism national co convenor, added

Glasgow was a fantastic show of unity in action, outnumbering the racists, far right and fascist forces today 10 to one. 

“Over the past month, the anti racist movement has truly kicked the arses of the far right movement up and down Britain, and in Belfast in Ireland. Thousands upon thousands joined Stand Up To Racism protests in Britain, turning out in defiance to claim the streets instead for the anti racist majority and break the attempt by fascists and the far right to take our communities for their hateful narrative of division and their violence towards refugees, migrants and Muslims.  

“Less than a month since racists and fascists set fire to a hotel housing refugees with human beings – our neighbours – in the building, we had the horrific news of more needless and avoidable deaths in the Channel. 

“Government politicians over recent years have driven scapegoating racist rhetoric and policies demonising and dehumanising refugees.

“So it is no wonder in this manufactured climate that we have seen first the breakthrough of the racist Reform UK party, and then the largest mobilisation of fascist Tommy Robinson and his far right racist thugs since we stopped his movement on the terraces and on the streets in 2018/19. And in the wake of some 15,000 joining a mobilisation called by Nazi Robinson, we saw outright racist lies by fascists and the far right go viral in the wake of the Southport murders.

“This all led directly to violent racist riots and the burning of refugee accomodation across Britain. 

“Stand Up To Racism with the support of trade unions, a spread of politicians, faith organisations, artists and cultural figures, and campaigners moved quickly to turn the tide, calling anti racist counter demonstrations that turned out tens of thousands to make clear that racists and the far right will not be allowed to claim our streets and terrorise refugees and Muslims. 

“In this climate, our hearts break to hear of the deaths in the Channel – when as human beings we should be welcoming with open arms all those with the courage and resolve to embark on these unnecessarily treacherous journeys for a better life. They are heros – not demons.

“So our resolve hardens too – we demand safe passage now, and we demand refugees are welcome here.

“We are continuing to build the mass movement that will turn out every time the far right, racists and fascists seek to exploit and divide our communities. That’s what we did in Glasgow today and we call on all who can to join us, and stand up together in our loudest voices to be heard.”

1 The rally in Glasgow on 7th September at 12 noon was called by Stand Up to Racism Scotland as a counter-protest to threats by the far-right to gather in Glasgow. The rally is supported by the Scottish Trade Union Congress and its Black Workers’ Committee, nine trade unions at a Scotland national level (Unison, Unite, PCS, RMT, FBU, CWU, EIS, NASUWT and UCU), the Scottish Refugee CouncilPositive Action in HousingCommunity InfoSourceGlasgow Campaign to Welcome RefugeesInterfaith Scotland and Interfaith GlasgowRomano LavAfghan Human Rights FoundationStop the War Coalition ScotlandPalestine Democratic ForumAll Under One Banner and Scotland Football Fans Supporting Foodbanks, as well as representative of political parties, union branches, trades councils and football fans groups. The latest graphic for it is attached with supporters listed.
2 We have exposed Stef Shaw aka the Glasgow Cabbie’s links to the far-right and fascists here and here. Stef Shaw is the main organiser of the anti-immigration rally we will be opposing. 
3 SUTR is the national campaign organisation that organised mass demonstrations across Britain in response to the far-right mobilisations in August 

For further info contact:

Stand up to Racism Scotland
Email: sutrscot@gmail.comTwitter: @sutrscotlandFacebook: Stand up to Racism – Scotland

Stand up to Racism national office
Twitter: @AntiRacismDay
Insta: standuptoracismuk
Facebook: Stand Up To Racism
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