ShareTweetForward Say it loud! Refugees and migrants welcome Stop the scapegoating Oppose the Illegal Migration Bill Stop the far right Support these important mobilisations… TONIGHT! Emergency protest at Parliament to oppose Illegal Migration Bill as it is heard at next stage – Monday 17 July, 6pm, Parliament Square See event page: https://facebook.com/events/s/protest-no-to-illegalmigration/608191927962663/ Stand Up To Racism, backed by Care4Calais, PCS union and others, has called an emergency protest TONIGHT, Monday, 17 July, at 6pm outside parliament, in light of the process of the Illegal Migration Bill in parliament. Details for the protest can be found and shared HERE Not in London? You can join the protest and show your support online. Just download the poster here and share pictures of yourself, colleagues, friends, family, fellow anti racists, holding the poster. Post your pictures online using: Stop #IllegalMigrationBill #ResistRacism #StopScapegoating #NoRefugeeBanBill along with @AntiRacismDay (on Twitter), @standuptoracismuk (on Instagram) or tagging ‘Stand Up To Racism’ (on Facebook) TODAY the Bill is back at parliament for consideration of the Lords’ message. As the Bill proceeds through these late stages of parliamentary debate process, anti racists insist it is crucial that the anti racist movement continues to mobilise the vast opposition that exists to the bill. If passed into law, it will be in breach of international human rights legislation that recognises the international right to seek asylum. While there are no safe or legal routes to reach Britain to claim asylum for the vast majority, the bill will criminalise those who seek asylum by the only means available. SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Michael Rosen, author and poet Diane Abbott MP Daniel Kebede, NEU general secretary elect Paul O’Connor, PCS senior national officer Charlotte Khan, Care4Calais Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up To Racism co convenor Sunak has outrageously linked the demands for inflation proof pay rises behind the strikes in the last year to the government’s disgusting attacks on refugee and migrant rights. On Friday he announced that promised public sector pay increases would be funded in part by hiking the cost of visa applications and the fees migrants pay to access the NHS. As anti racists we must continue to vehemently oppose these measures. Stand Up To Racism is proud that trade unions have been at the heart of anti racist resistance to the government’s racist offensive, from the #StopRwanda offshore detention campaign, to defeating the policy of murderous “push backs” in the Channel, to opposition to this Bill, as well as in challenging institutional racism from the Child Q scandal to justice for deaths in custody. The anti racist movement, with unions at its heart must stand headstrong against the attempts by Sunak’s cabinet’s to play clever with ideological moves that scapegoat migrant and refugees and pitch their human rights against the rights of workers to decent pay rises. This Bill must be stopped. We call on all anti racists to join us – and promote the protest within your networks – outside parliament in Parliament Square on Monday 17 July, 6pm, Scrap the #illegalmigrationbill #refugeeswelcome Solidarity to all those out opposing the far right over the weekend Sunak is playing with fire as announces that any pay rises awarded will be funded by an increase in migrant charges for NHS care. Migrant charges in the NHS is a racist policy designed to whip up scapegoating, divert blame for the economic crisis and divide our communities. Stand Up To Racism and others have opposed from the offset, and it is vital that the trade union movement is at the heart of opposing this nasty attempt at divide and rule. This kind of trick, aimed at pitching workers’ rights, pay, and conditions against the human rights of refugees and migrants, is also fuelling the far right and fascist forces who are looking to build a racist movement in Britain. That is why Stand Up To Racism alongside others from across the trade union and wider movement have been out week after week all over Britain in the last few months opposing the far right wherever they rear their ugly head, challenging racist scapegoating of refugees and migrants, and building anti racist unity to reject the politics of hate and division. Well done to anti racist and anti fascists who joined mobilisations in Llanelli and Scarborough on Saturday and in Erskine on Sunday. Stand Up To Racism activists also held a meeting in Portland on Sunday – who would have been at #Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival which was cancelled – organising to say #RefugeesWelcome – No to the prison barge! |