Thousands brave the snow to show unity against “Punish A Muslim day” and the rise in hate crime.

Thousands brave the snow to show unity against “Punish A Muslim day” and the rise in hate crime.
(Scroll down for quotes from the event)
Over 20,000 people marched through Central London, Glasgow and Cardiff today (Satuday 17th March) to demonstrate opposition to the largest rise in hate crimes since records began.
In Cardiff, communities came together after fascist graffiti was daubed on the site of the assembly point. The marches were a show of unity against the rise in racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism and in support of refugee and migrant rights. In the wake of the ‘Punish a Muslim’ campaign which targetted Muslim MPs and households around the country, speakers demanded action from the government against Islamophobic hate crime and pledgde to stand up to Islamophobia on April 3rd.
The March Against Racism, which marks United Nations International Anti-Racism Day, was part of a series of demonstrations taking place in cities across Europe including Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona, Warsaw, Kraków, Frankfurt, Vienna, Copenhagen, Athens, Dublin and Istanbul.
Speakers at the march included Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott MP,  Journalist Gary Younge, Labour MPs David Lammy & Emma Dent Coad, Green Party Home Affairs Spokesperson Shahrar Ali, and many other leading faith, community and trade union figures. *Scroll to bottom for longer list of speakers*
Stand Up To Racism, the organisers of the event supported by the TUC, Unite, UNISON and many other trade union, faith and community groups said the extraordinary turnout in such bitterly cold conditions was due to the enormous depth of feeling against the biggest rise in racism since the 1930s which has also seen major gainst for far-right parties in Europe.

Diane Abbott MP, Shadow Home Secretary and President of Stand Up To Racism Said:

“Let’s reject the hatred that is manifest in the ‘punish a muslim’ hate campaign which has affected Muslims around the country and my Muslim colleagues in parliament, and the anti-Semitism concurrent with the rise of the far-right.”“We stand in the tradition of the kindertransport which saved children from the Nazis. It is a stain on our conscience that refugees are drowning in the Mediterranean and rotting in squalid camps. I say refugees welcome!

“I was horrified by the desperation and misery I saw in Yarls Wood. No wonder I was stopped from visiting it for over a year. We must end indefinite detention and reject Theresa May’s hostile climate on immigration. The more informed the debate on immigration and refugees, the less cruel, chaotic and inhumane the system will be.”
“I am proud of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who is a committed anti-racist. I am proud to have spent 30 years in parliament opposing racism; Labour will continue to do so when it is in government.’

Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up To Racism Co-Convenor said:

“We’ve seen the biggest rise in racism since the 1930s. “Punish a Muslim day” is just one hideous part of biggest wave of hate crime we have seen in generations.
“With thousands stranded & destitute in northern France, our government has disgracefully still failed to implement the Dubs Amendment. The fact that women in Yarls Wood are having to go on under strike to raise awareness of their inhumane treatment is a savage indictment of Britain’s policy towards refugees & migrants.”

Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism Co-Convenor said:
“Today we marched in 55 countries against racism, Islamophobia & anti-Semitism – we’ve seen inside Austria the rise of the FPO and in Germany the fascist AFD. Our slogan is Never Again and that’s why it’s vital we stand up to Donald Trump’s envoy Steve Bannan speaking at the Front National rally.
“We are black, we are white, we are Jewish, we are Muslim, we are gay, young, old, women, men, disabled… If we unite like a fist we can break the racists and the nazis and create a better world in which to live.

For interviews & information  email [email protected]
Notes for editors:
1. Stand Up To Racism is a national anti-racist organisation with support across the Labour and Trade Union Movement and from many faith communities.
2. Anti-racists will mark April 3rd with “Stand Up To Islamophobia Day” to demand action on the horrific wave of anti-muslim hate crime and show solidarity with Muslims facing Islamophobia.
3. Speakers at the event included:
• Diane Abbott MP on the anti-racist alternative to the Tories’ damaging approach to migrants & refugees
• Gary Younge on Trump and the rise of the racist right
• Emma Dent Coad MP for Kensington, on why Grenfell survivors need housing and justice now
• David Lammy MP
• Claude Moraes MEP on the serious threat of the far-right in Europe
• Kevin Courtney NEU Joint Gen Sec, on the vital role migrants play in the education system
• Roger McKenzie – UNISON Asst Gen Sec on defending the rights of migrant workers in public services
• Nita Sanghera, UCU
• Myriam Kane, NUS NEC on the role of students in the struggle against racism
• RAY BLK, Singer & Songwriter
• David Rosenberg, Jewish Socialist Group on the need for unity against racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism & the far right
• Talha Ahmad, Muslim Council of Britain on the shocking rise of Islamophobic hate crime
• Heena Khaled, AVOW on tackling Islamophobia against Muslim women
• Shahrar Ali, Green Party Home Affairs Spokesperson
• Moyra Samuels, #Justice4Grenfell
• Aaron Kiely, Friends of the Earth on Climate refugees & taking on Trump’s climate change denial
• Maz Saleem, Stand Up To Trump
• Phien O’Reachtigan, Chair of the Gypsy and Travellers’ Council
• Geoff Bell, Irish historian on the history of racism against the Irish community in Britain
• Natalia Rymaszewska , Care4Calais on the desperate situation facing refugees in northern France & our govt’s inaction
• Steven Saxby, Chair Unite the Union faith & CEO of London Churches
• Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition on Trump and the rise of Islamophobia
• Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine on the threat of fascism
Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett, Co-Convenors, Stand Up To Racism on building a powerful movement against
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