PRESS RELEASE: Over 50 leading figures call for united response to Tommy Robinson & Trump visit

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20 June 2018
Over 50 leading figures call for united response to Tommy Robinson & Trump visit

Over 50 key MPs, trade unionists and anti-racists campaigners have signed a major statement calling for united action to oppose the growth of the far right in Britain.This follows a 15000 strong ‘free Tommy Robinson’ march that saw Robinson supporters, Nazi groups, the Football Lads Alliance (FLA) and the ‘Democratic’ FLA joined by UKIP on a violent protest that saw clashes with anti racists and the police.The statement calls for support for the ‘Together Against Trump’ protest on Friday 13 July and for the mobilisation against Robinson’s supporters on Saturday 14 July called by Stand Up To Racism and Unite Against Fascism.The Robinson rally on 9 June received support both figures including Stave Bannon (Trumps former chief of staff) and notorious Dutch MP Geert Wilders, previously banned for entering Britain.

Diane Abbott MP, Shadow Home Secretary said:
“The poignant anniversaries of the Finsbury Park attack and murder of my colleague Jo Cox show that the rise of the far right is not something to take lightly.
“They have grown on the back of a wave of the most vicious Islamophobia including attacks against mosques and particularly against Muslim women.
“We must stand with our Muslim neighbours in opposing this dangerous campaign of hate and recognise that the far right never stop at one community.
“Their goal is to attack all forms of diversity – from BAME and migrant communities to women, the LGBT community and the labour movement.
 “That is why I support Stand Up To Racism’s call for a united and determined response to the growing mobilisations of the far right and Together Against Trump’s call for a peaceful demonstration coinciding with Donald Trump’s visit.” 

Len McCluskey
, Unite the Union General Secretary said:
“There is a growing and worryingly unified and violent far right marching on our streets. These groups are trying to divert working class anger away from the real issues, such as NHS privatisation and underfunding, insecure jobs and unaffordable housing, and twisting people’s pride in their country to spread hatred and division.
“I call on all trade union members to join the protest against them. Let’s not let the peddlers of prejudice win.”
Kevin Maguire, Daily Mirror Journalist said:
“The violent Far Right in Britain has killed twice in two years and the fear is the followers of a hate-filled racist ideology will murder again unless exposed, challenged and stopped.”
Talha Ahmad, Muslim Council of Britain Treasurer said:
“15,000 strong demonstrating at the heart of London is an alarming reminder that we must not be complacent in facing off the challenge posed by far right, fascists and new-nazis. Our country rightly take pride in its multi-cultural, diverse and inclusive identity and aspire to be a beacon for cohesive, strong and successful society that values all her citizens. But we must tackle head on this alarming show of force by fascists. This includes our politicians and civil society leaders showing real commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity and must reject in words and deeds all forms of bigotry – Islamophobia, anti-antisemitism, racism and homophobia.
Rabbi Lee Wax, said:
Racism, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism – wherever they surface they have no place in civilised society. Every day it becomes increasingly crucial for decent people to speak out, to stand together, united against the evil of racial hatred, and against the forces which seek to divide us. Stand Up To Racism does exactly that.
Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up To Racism Co-Convenor said:
“The danger we face from the fact that the most powerful politician in the world is describing migrants as an infestation and deliberately whipping up hatred against Muslims cannot be underestimated.
His former advisor Steve Bannon, centrally involved in creating both the Muslim ban and appalling child separation policy is now backing a renewal of the far-right across the globe, including in Britain around Tommy Robinson.
Theresa May wants to welcome Trump to Britain on 13 July, and Tommy Robinson’s supporters want to capitalise on the visit the following day.
It is absolutely vital that all who see this threat come together to oppose it. Join us on the 13th for a massive demonstration against Trump, and again on the 14th to stand against the renewed and growing far-right.”
Weyman Bennett, Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said:
“Donald Trump is the world’s number one racist, but he has smaller fascist and far-right friends who he emboldens. The Finsbury Park terrorist attack inspired by these currents and the brutal murder of Jo Cox at the hands of a fascist activist is a warning that we have to act now.
“That 15,000 people were mobilised to listen to the most vile racist abuse targeted primarily at our Muslim brothers and sisters is a danger to all of us. Today they march against Muslims as they did against Jews in the 1930s. The lesson of history is that we must unite to defeat them.
Jean Lambert MEP said:
“Let’s get this straight: Violence towards police is not normal. Fascist marches are not OK. And Nazi salutes on our streets are absolutely unacceptable. We’ve already seen what happens when far right, extremist views are allowed to flourish – and not only in the pages of history books. We need to stand together in peaceful protest to celebrate our diversity against those who deny it.
Margaret Greer, UNISON National Race Equality officer said
‘Fighting Racism everyday of our lives – is what we do as trade unionists – ‘lest we forget’
Steve Gillan, Prison Officers Association General Secretary said:
“The far right cause division with their politics based on racism and hatred. They need to be exposed at every turn and their lies exposed” 
Notes to editors:
1. Together Against Trump National Demonstration Fri 13 July coinciding with visit of Donald Trump to Britain. Over 200k people over several facebook events registering interest. 2pm BBC Portland Place, Rally from 5pm Trafalgar Square. Further details here:
2. Unity Protest against Tommy Robinson’s far-right supporters Sat 14 July 2pm, Downing St. Further details here:
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