PRESS RELEASE: “Our hearts break and our resolve hardens”, say anti racists: protest this Friday as yet more avoidable tragic loss of life in Channel

PRESS RELEASE – for immediate release
4 September 2024

“Our hearts break and our resolve hardens”, say anti racists as yet more avoidable tragic loss of life in Channel follows a summer of racist riots

Anti racists have called a protest this Friday outside Downing Street demanding safe passage and legal routes now. The protest has been called jointly by Stand Up To Racism and Care4Calais alongside the Peace & Justice Project. 

Campaigners are calling out “the culpability of racist government rhetoric and the raft of policies that are ripping up the internationally recognised human right to seek asylum”, on receipt of yet more devastating tragic news of 12 more–half of them children–avoidable deaths in the Channel. 

Stand Up To Racism sends it’s heartfelt and heartbroken solidarity to all the loved ones of those who lost their lives, and also stands with those seeking safety and life here in Britain who are met instead with racist scapegoating and attacks.  

Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism co convenor said

Our hearts break to hear once again the now regular news flash that more people have died in their attempt to cross the Channel in search of safety and a life here. 

“While politicians talk of the horror and tragedy, they must be held accountable to what could have and should have been in place to stop these needless deaths. 

“Stand Up To Racism has been proud to work alongside Care4Calais, the PCS, FBU, NEU and other unions, to demand Safe Passage Now – the implementation of safe and legal routes for those seeking asylum to reach Britain. Instead of lamenting about the moral outrage of small boats, a very practical and effective solution has been outlined in detail. How many more must die in our seas before the government listens and urgently implements the safe passage policy?” 

The previous governments under Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak concertedly pushed through a raft of policy that has been widely condemnned for breaching the 1951 Convention on Refugee Rights. These policies have criminalised the right to seek asylum and left the vast majority with no safe or legal routes to exercise their human right. 

This deeply divisive policy has been accompanied by what anti racists and charities have called out as “an onslaught of racist rhetoric demonising and dehumanising refugees”. Yet, in reality Britain stands at a meagre rank globally as the 20th country in the list who take in the most refugees. Anti racists, charities and campaigners have pointed to the gap between this reality, and the fear mongering and divisive arguments pushed from mainstream media and by racists from Braverman to Reform UK to fascists such as Robinson. 

Steve Smith, CEO Care4Calais, said

All of us, particularly our team in Calais, are devastated by this latest tragedy. 

“Every political leader, on both sides of our Channel, needs to be asked how many lives will be lost before they end these avoidable tragedies? Their continued obsession with, and investment in, security measures, is not reducing crossings – it is simply pushing people to take ever increasing risks to do so.

“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is political lunacy. It’s time politicians were held accountable for their choice to dehumanise people seeking sanctuary from horrors back home. It’s time they ended these tragedies and introduced safe routes.” 

Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism said

Those seeking asylum continuing to make perilous journeys across the Channel and drowning as a result is criminal because it is preventable. We call on the government to implement safe passage to allow asylum seekers to arrive here safely and submit applications for asylum.” 

Charlotte Khan, Head of Advocacy & Public Affairs, Care4Calais, said

Every person lost was precious, loved, and will be deeply missed. It’s obscene that Governments continue to choose political games over people’s lives. 

“The case for safe routes can be no clearer – by choosing to ignore this, our leaders are failing us and those seeking sanctuary.

“Safe routes, which enable people to cross the Channel and claim asylum, are the only solution – we demand them now before yet more people needlessly die at sea.” 

Weyman Bennett added 

“It is no wonder in this manufactured climate of scapegoating, division and hate that we have seen first the breakthrough of the racist Reform UK party, and then the largest mobilisation of fascist Tommy Robinson and his far right racist thugs since we stopped his movement on the terraces and on the streets in 2018/19. And in the wake of some 15,000 joining a mobilisation called by Nazi Robinson, we saw outright racist lies by fascists and the far right go viral in the wake of the Southport murders. This all led directly to violent racist riots and the burning of refugee accomodation across Britain. 

“Stand Up To Racism with the support of trade unions, a spread of politicians, faith organisations and campaigners moved quickly to turn the tide, calling anti racist counter demonstrations that turned out tens of thousands to make clear that racists and the far right will not be allowed to claim our streets and terrorise refugees and Muslims. 

“In this climate, our hearts break to hear of the deaths in the Channel – when as human beings we should be welcoming with open arms all those with the courage and resolve to embark on these unnecessarily treacherous journeys for a better life. They are heros – not demons.

“So our resolve hardens too – we demand safe passage now, and we demand refugees are welcome here.”

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