Press release: After Christchurch attack: London to join #WorldAgainstRacism protests TOmorrow

(Scroll down for quotes from Diane Abbott, Frances O’Grady + More)

The horrific attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, that has left 49 dead is a deeply grave example of why it is paramount that the anti racist movement globally takes urgent action in response to a dangerous far right growing in confidence to commit the unthinkable.

The gunman who entered the Al Noor Mosque at 13.40 local time and opened fire described himself as an “extremist right-wing violent terrorist”.   Tomorrow, Saturday 16 March, tens of thousands will take to the streets marking a global day of action.

Anti racist organisations, trade unions, major artists and cultural figures are backing the #WorldAgainstRacism mass demonstrations. Marches are planned in London, Glasgow and Cardiff, in New York, Washington DC and Florida, in Brazil, and across Europe including Hungary, Austria, Denmark, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Catalonia, Ireland, France, Belgium, Greece, Norway, Sweden and Canada and Australia. There will be demonstrations in over 60 cities.  

Here in Britain, the march assembles at 12 noon at Park Lane, near to many of the international embassies. The demonstration will stop as it passes the New Zealand embassy, to how solidarity with the victims of the terror attack, and with the Muslim community around the world in the aftermath of such a heinous and shocking racist massacre.

There will be a minutes silence at the beginning of the main rally, held from 2.30pm at Whitehall. The rally will have a range of speakers including shadow home secretary Diane Abbott, TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady and others from across the trade union and anti racist movement.  

A rally will be held from 2.30pm at Whitehall, with a range of speakers including Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott MP, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady and others from across the trade union and anti-racist movement.    

Alongside the international coordination of anti racist resistance, Love Music Hate Racism has launched a campaign called #BeautifulResistance. The fortnight will involve numerous high-profile artists discussing how music can be an empowering tool to tackle hatred, bigotry and division.  

The Stand Up To Racism demonstrations bring together different faith groups and organisations from Windrush campaigns, Justice4Grenfell, justice campaigns over deaths in custody, refugee solidarity, Roma Gypsy community, and campaigns to stop deportations.  

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary said: “Deepest sympathies to the people of New Zealand following this horrendous terrorist attack. We stand together against Islamophobia and all forms of racism and extremist hatred that have far too often led to the murder of innocent people. The rise of the far right in Britain, Europe and beyond is a serious challenge that we face. Racism is not just a problem for those of us who are BAME or of Muslim or Jewish background, it is a corrosive problem for wider society.  It has never been more important to mobilise here and link up with our supporters abroad to fight all forms of racism.”

Frances O’Grady, TUC General Secretary, said: “Now more than ever we must promote our values of tolerance and diversity. Racism and fascism have no place in our society. As trade unionists we’ll continue to stand up to the forces of hatred and division and won’t flinch in our campaign against the far right.”

Gloria Mills, National Secretary Equalities UNISON and Chair TUC Race‎ Relations Committee, said: “‎The British people must continue to reject and resist the toxic and poisonous narrative on racism that is driving divisions in our country. Britain has more to offer than hate and hostility. The Stand Up to Racism Day is about healing and uniting the nation.”

Maswood Ahmed, Assistant Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, said:“Although much progress has been made, the crippling poison of Racism, Fascism and Islamophobia still persists, and it is on the rise. The struggle must continue until these elements are defeated. The Muslim Council of Britain is committed to joining all organised efforts for achieving fairness, justice and equality. This national demonstration is an excellent example of solidarity for achieving the common good.”

David Rosenberg, Jewish Socialist Group and Secretary of the Cable Street Memorial Group, said: “It is a year since the scandalous results of British government’s ‘hostile environment’ towards British citizens from the Caribbean, and also towards other migrants began to be exposed. But more cases are emerging. And what is so alarming is that our government is openly allied with other governments  in Europe, such as Poland and Hungary and ultra-nationalist parties in Denmark and Sweden who display their hostility towards Muslim, Jewish, and Roma minorities as well as migrants and refugees. Racism is indivisible. But so is anti-racism On Saturday we will be proud to be marching as a Jewish Bloc against all forms of racism and bigotry here and in other countries.”

Weyman Bennett, co convenor Stand Up To Racism, said: “This year’s UN Anti Racism Day marks an unprecedented scale of coordination in getting the voice of the anti racist majority out onto the streets, and this comes at a critical moment. New Zealand’s Nazi massacre at Christchurch is a warning to us all that murderous Islamophobia is what fascist ‘Tommy Robinson’ would like to do in every town in the UK. The ‘hostile environment’ has created these monsters and we need to stand together against them, in unity and in solidarity with the Muslim community and all those facing the threat of the far right. When mainstream politicians blame refugees and migrants for society’s problems, and play their part in the demonisation of the Muslim community in particular, they open the door to the far right and act to provide legitimacy for divisive hateful ideas that have no place in 2019. The global protests are about saying we have had enough, we will not allow a rise in racism and fascism to go unchallenged. We are the many. Join us on the streets all across the world.”

Sabby Dhalu, co convenor Stand Up To Racism, said: ““We are deeply saddened by the despicable far right terrorist attack leading to the mass murder of innocent Muslim worshippers in New Zealand. Our thoughts are with those killed and their loved ones. We are also appalled that some politicians are seeking to blame Islam for this crime. This underlines why we must robustly stand up to Islamophobia, in solidarity with Muslim communities. We will be paying our respects to those affected by the attack at tomorrow’s UN Anti-Racism Day demonstrations in London and across the globe. On Saturday we march in cities across the world united in our determination to defeat those who seek to divide us – from Trump to ‘Tommy Robinson’, Bolsonaro to Boris Johnson. In London we march with victims of the Windrush scandal, Grenfell and the racist hostile environment to take Theresa May to task for her callous treatment of our diverse communities. We march against the horrific rise in hate crime, united against racism, Islamophobia and Antisemitism. And as the Brexit crisis continues, we bring together all anti-fascists, leave or remain, to say don’t let the racists divide us!”


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1.#WorldAgainstRacism international coordination joint website: #WorldAgainstRacism joint Facebook page:

2.Stand Up To Racism is a broad based anti-racist organisation supported by the labour and trade union movement. 16 March assembling: London – 12 noon Park Lane; Glasgow 11am George Square; Cardiff 11am City Hall.[email protected]Twitter: @AntiRacismDay

3. Love Music Hate Racism website:

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