Friday 12 February
Anti racists outraged at Priti Patel’s latest attack on the #BlackLivesMatter movement
Stand Up To Racism is outraged and appalled by the latest attack by Home Secretary Priti Patel on the Black Lives Matter movement.
Patel, who has called the protests “dreadful” is extremely out of touch with many who are part of the inspirational anti racist movement.
The murder of George Floyd, horrifically caught on video last year, galvanised millions in the US and internationally.
Footballers such as Marcus Rashford and Wes Morgan have been crucial to organising players constant taking of the knee in solidarity with BLM.
Patel’s remarks are reminiscent of Donald Trump. Her views will find favour with the far right and are a further illustration of this government’s attack on protesters. And her attack comes in the week that refugees continue to be treated appallingly in camps like Napier in Kent and Penally in Wales.
Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said
“For the Home Secretary to describe Black Lives Matter protests as ‘dreadful’ and oppose footballers and rugby players taking the knee, it is absolutely appalling.
“This Trump style attack on Black Lives Matter should have no place in British politics. We have seen more leadership on tackling racism from sports players than the government. We need action on eradicating institutional racism in policing and other sectors – that would be the correct response to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations.”
Weyman Bennett, co convenor Stand Up To Racism, said
“Anti racists will continue to both take the knee and build BLM. This divide and rule approach must be rejected by all who wish to keep our multi racial society flourishing.
“In words that could have come from various far right figures, Priti Patel’s rhetoric is both insulting and dangerous.
“It is particularly galling from a party that had covered up Racism within in it’s own ranks. Johnson, calling Black people picanninies, watermelon smiles, and muslim women looking like bank robbers, which she has made no comment on.
“The powerful Black Lives Matter movement that erupted in rage at the murder of George Floyd and reverberated around the globe shows the scale of anti racism and potential for a mass anti racist movement that can turn the tide.
“On 20 March, the global day of protest for UN Anti Racism Day is a crucial day of solidarity that can help grow the anti racist movement everywhere.”
For more information, interviews and further quotes: [email protected]