PRESS RELEASE: Anti-racists call for unity in response to horrific attack in Manchester

PRESS RELEASE: Anti-racists call for unity in response to horrific attack in Manchester

Campaign group Stand Up To Racism have called for unity in response to the horrific terrorist attack in Manchester last night which killed 22 concert goers and injured at least 59, and sent condolences to loved ones of those killed and injured.

Far-right groups such as Britain First have already attempted to use the attack to stir up hatred and division. Columnist Katie Hopkins tweeted a demand for a ‘final solution’, and Tommy Robinson has responded with a series of Islamophobic tweets.

Sabby Dhalu, Co-convenor of Stand Up To Racism, said:

Our thoughts are with the loved ones of those killed and those injured in Manchester. It is extremely distressing that children and young people were targeted in this way.  Our response to this tragedy must be to reject the hatred of the perpetrators and those who seek to use this tragedy to divide us and for all communities to stand together. As Martin Luther King said: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Weyman Bennett, Co-convenor of Stand Up To Racism, said:
We would like to express our sympathy and solidarity to the people of Manchester, the victims of the attack and their families. It is disgraceful that already far-right groups such as Britain First have attempted to use the attack to stir up hatred and division. This outrage was designed to divide our communities, we cannot allow it do so. It is vital that we stand together at this time in unity and solidarity against all forms of hatred, division and violence.


Notes to Editors:


  1. Stand Up To Racism is a national campaigning organisation supported by major trade unions, faith and community groups. They annually organise a national march against racism which this March mobilised over 30,000 people.


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