PRESS RELEASE: Anti-racist protest tonight against Trump election outside US Embassy London

Anti-racist protest tonight against Trump election outside US Embassy London
Anti-racist protesters will gather outside the USA embassy tonight after the election of Donald Trump as US President (details below).
Trump has cynically whipped up fear and racism, exploiting the stagnant US economy and the fall in living standards for the majority of Americans, to mobilise his vote.
As well as famously promising to build a wall between the USA and Mexico, Trump has a long history of racist outbursts. He has said ‘laziness is a trait in blacks’, described Mexican immigrants as ‘criminals’ and ‘rapists’, and condoned the beating of a Black Lives Matter activist at one of his rallies.
Trump attacked grieving Ghazala Khan the mother of Muslim American Army Captain Humayun Khan who died serving his country, who wears a headscarf, after she was unable to speak at the Democrat Convention due to the loss of her son.
Trump  provoked global outrage after he called for a blanket ban on Muslims entering the US, but was pressured to roll back on this particular policy. He also sought to downplay the severity of sexual violence, dismissing boasts of sexually assaulting women as ‘locker room talk’.
Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said:
“Donald Trump used the oldest trick in the book – he stirred up fear and racism in the context of a stagnant economy and the resulting fall in living standards – to mobilise a vote for him. Racism and sexism have been the hallmarks of Trump’s campaign. Trump failed to disavow the Klu Klux Klan after it pledged support for him. The danger now is racists across the globe feel emboldened by Donald Trump’s victory, and racism and sexism become normalised through the most powerful figure in the world. We call on anti-racists and all progressives to join us tonight outside the US embassy.”
Weyman Bennett Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said:
“It’s vital that all black and white people come together and oppose the politics of racism and division that Donald Trump represents. We must stand in the traditions of the Civil Right movement and begin the anti-racist fight back. In Britain a new anti-racist movement is born.”
Stand up to Trump racism Protest 
Wednesday 9 November, 6pm
US embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, Mayfair
For further info please contact us via email at [email protected]

Notes to editors;

• Stand up to Racism is a national organisation, dedicated to opposing the rise of racism, supported by major trade unions such as Unite, Unison and NUT. Our national conference on Saturday 8 October was attended by 1600 people and was addressed by speakers including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. We will be organising to build a mass demonstration against racism, backed by the TUC on 18 March 2017 in the lead up to the planned enacting of article 50.
• Stand Up To Racism have organised a number of high profile protests in Britain supporting the families of Black people who have died at the hands of the police in both Britain and America.
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