PRESS RELEASE: Anti-racist campaigners express condolences and concern at May and Trump’s response to London attack.


Anti-racist campaigners express condolences and concern at May and Trump’s response to London attack.

Anti-racist campaigners send condolences and solidarity to the loved ones of those killed in the horrific terrorist attack at London Bridge and Borough Market.

Last night’s incident follows similar attacks in Westminster in March and at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester two weeks ago.

Campaigners also expressed concern at Prime Minister Theresa May and US President Donald Trump’s responses to the terrorist attack in London. May suggested a link between segregation of Muslim communities and terrorism, whilst Trump’s first response was reiterating support for the Muslim travel ban.

Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said: 

“We send condolences and solidarity to the family, friends and loved ones of those killed, injured and all affected by the horrific attack at London Bridge and Borough Market. Our thoughts are also with the emergency services and people of different faiths and backgrounds that helped those injured.

“We are deeply concerned at Donald Trump’s first tweet in response to the London attacks, which contained no mention of those killed, no condolences for those that have lost loved ones or support for those injured. Instead he reiterated his racist and Islamophobic Muslim travel ban policy. This is grotesque racism and insensitivity to grieving loved ones.

“We are also concerned about some elements of Theresa May’s statement earlier today. May acknowledged as Jeremy Corbyn did nine days ago in response to the Manchester attacks, that such attacks are a perversion of Islam not representative of Islam.

“However, she suggested that the attack was in some way linked to the segregation of Muslim communities. There is no evidence that links terrorism to segregation or integration in society. Information regarding the precise identity of the London Bridge and Borough Market attackers is yet to be revealed.

“We do know the identity of the perpetrator of the Westminster attack. He was a black man brought up in a well integrated family, by a white English Mother in Tunbridge Wells and was the only black person at his school. Therefore it is inaccurate and irresponsible for the Prime Minister to suggest that such attacks are somehow linked to the segregation of Muslim communities.

“As the Muslim Council of Britain has stated, this attack took place during Ramadan when Muslims are praying and fasting, so the attackers had no respect for neither life nor Islam. Many Muslims work in the emergency services, rescued victims and came to the assistance of those injured in the attack.

“We urge politicians not to use this attack to stir up racism prior to the general election.

“In these difficult times we must stand together, stay united, reject terrorism, hatred, Islamophobia, racism and those that seek to divide us.”

Weyman Bennett, Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said:

“The horrendous London Bridge terror attack will have devastated the families of the victims and has sent fear and sadness across the capital.

“Just as with the response after Westminster and Manchester attacks it is vital that we stand in unity and solidarity together.

“The people of Manchester and London have shown that they will not be divided in the face of these attacks, we have to do the same again.

“We cannot allow these attacks to divide our communities. We cannot let the Muslim community, our workmates and neighbours, become a target because of the actions of those who carried out the attacks.

“This tragedy should not be allowed to lead to further tragedies in a cycle of blame.

“Stand together, stand with London, don’t let the racists divide us.”


Notes to Editors:
1. Stand Up To Racism is a national campaigning organisation supported by major trade unions, faith and community groups. They annually organise a national march against racism which this March mobilised over 30,000 people.
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