Originally posted here.
As a signatory to our open letter, I am writing to let you know that 120 people from across different sectors of society in North London have come together to support this letter supporting the Stand Up to Racism demonstration. I’m delighted to say the letter has already been published here in the Camden New Journal and here in the Islington Tribune. Please share these and the press release here widely on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word and keep the momentum going for Saturday.
The organisers of the demonstration have also sent out the following suggestions on how you can help in the next few days:
1. Change your Facebook profile picture… to say ‘I’m standing up to racism’. Download the sign and take your picture – you’ll be joining Rev. Al Sharpton, Diane Abbott MP, Chuka Umunna MP, Owen Jones and Russell Brand who have all one (see examples at https://www.facebook.com/events/1539550159647996/)
2. Order leaflets, stickers and posters – There are thousands of these available – order yours by emailing [email protected] or call 020 8971 7426.
3. Invite your friends on Facebook.
4. Join leafleting & stickering sessions this week as past of a big last push – There are lots of sessions taking place across North London & beyond – get info on leafleting on your area by emailing [email protected] or call 020 8971 7426. One session will be taking place this Thursday (March 19) at 5.45pm at Finsbury Park station, meeting at the Seven Sisters Road entrance – email [email protected] if you can help
For your information, fellow signatories to the Open Letter include a Member of Parliament, a Member of the European Parliament and 16 local councillors, in addition to a range of representatives of faith, community and campaigning groups, trade unionists at a branch and London region level, students, representative of local Labour and Green parties and many others. The signatories to the letter argue that “In contrast to those who seek to divide us through whipping up bigotry and hatred – whether that be scapegoating migrants, through attacking the Muslim community or any other form of racial hatred,” instead we need to “celebrate the multicultural, vibrant and diverse nature of London and the communities we live in,” including by being part of the international movement against racism that will come together this Saturday. The full text of the letter and list of signatories can be found below.
Best wishes,
Matt Willgress
on behalf of the co-organisers of the Open Letter.
We the undersigned from across North London note with concern a rise in racism in Britain and across Europe.
In contrast to those who seek to divide us through whipping up bigotry and hatred – whether that be scapegoating migrants, through attacking the Muslim community or any other form of racial hatred – we celebrate the multicultural, vibrant and diverse nature of London and the communities we live in.
Internationally, protests against racism are growing, from those rejecting Islamophobia, anti-semitism and racism in Europe to the #blacklivesmatter protests in Ferguson and across the USA. We pledge to join this movement against racism, including through joining the Stand Up to Racism march on UN Anti-Racism Day (March 21) in central London.
- Jeremy Corbyn MP Member of Parliament, Islington North Islington
- Lucy Anderson Member of the European Parliament Camden
- Alan Sitkin Councillor Enfield
- Alice Perry Councillor Islington
- Angela Pober Councillor Camden
- Asima Shaikh Councillor Islington
- Caroline Russell Councillor Islington
- Chris Bond Councillor Enfield
- Diarmaid Ward Councillor Islington
- Douglas Beattie Councillor Camden
- Flora Williamson Councillor Islington
- Gary Heather Councillor Islington
- Kaya Comer Schwartz Councillor Islington
- Kirsten Hearn Councillor Haringey
- Maryam Eslamdoust Councillor Camden
- Olly Parker Islington Council Councillor Islington
- Thomas Gardiner Councillor Camden
- Una O’Halloran Councillor Islington
- Sabby Dhalu Unite Against Fascism Joint Secretary Haringey
- Aaron Kiely National Union of Students NEC Haringey
- Acharya Modgala Duguid Amida Trust Senior Minister Islington
- Adrian Weir Unite the union Asst Chief of Staff Haringey
- Andy Bain Islington Hands Off Our Public Services Chair Islington
- Annette Thomas Islington Pensioners’ Forum Islington
- Ben Folley Labour Assembly Against Austerity Secretary Islington
- Benali Hamdache The Green Party Equalities Spokesperson Islington
- Catherine West Hornsey & Wood Green Labour Party PPC Haringey
- Charlie Hore UNISON Community & Voluntary Organisations Branch Secretary Hackney
- Charlie Kiss Islington Green Party PPC for Islington South and Finsbury Islington
- David Polden London Region CND Haringey
- David Rosenberg Jewish Socialists’ Group Islington
- Dominic Alexander Enfield Alliance Against the Cuts Secretary Enfield
- Elaine Graham-Leigh North London People’s Assembly Against Austerity Enfield
- Jacqui Howard Compass National Co-ordinator Islington
- Jayne Fisher SERTUC International Committee vice Chair Islington
- Ken Muller Islington NUT Joint Secretary Islington
- Matt Willgress North London People’s Assembly Against Austerity, & North London Stop the War Coalition Convenor Haringey
- Maz Saleem Anti-racism campaigner Camden
- Mick Gilgunn Islington Trades Council Secretary Islington
- Mohammed Kozbar Finsbury Park Mosque Islington
- Nicola Seyd CWU delegate to Camden Trades Council Assistant Secretary Camden
- Orlando Hill North London Stop the War Coalition Treasurer Hackney
- Paul Mackney Co-Chair Greece Solidarity Campaign & former UCU General Secretary Barnet
- Peray Ahmet Councillor Haringey
- Peter Middleton Wolfe Tone Society Secretary Camden
- Ros Sitwell Morning Star Features Editor Haringey
- Roz Miller Islington Faiths Forum Islington
- Ruth Hayes Chair, Community, Youth & Not for Profit Sector Unite London & Eastern Region Islington
- Shadia Edwards-Dashti Stop the War Coalition Student Rep & SOAS Student Camden
- Shirley Franklin Defend Whittington Hospital Coalition Chair Islington
- Sian Errington North London Stop the War Coalition Chair Haringey
- Simon Hester Haringey TUC Chair Haringey
- Steve Hart Hornsey & Wood Green Labour Party Chair Haringey
- Suzie Gilbert Fitzgibbon Media Vice President Camden
- Tansy Hoskins Author & journalist Haringey
- Ben Hayes Islington Young Labour Islington
- Cherry Sewell Greece Solidarity Campaign, UCU Barnet
- Dan Poulton Counterfire Haringey
- Ellen Graubart Unite/Counterfire Hackney
- Emeka Ogbogoh Islington N LParty Islington
- Emma Davis London Met Islington
- Florence Joelle Halfon Musician Camden
- Jonas Liston rs21/Unite Haringey
- Lucy Morris North London Stop the War Coalition Haringey
- Mary Ogbogoh Islington S Labour party Islington
- Michael Cole middlesex University Enfield
- Milena Buyum UAF supporter Haringey
- Monique Buchli People’s Assembly supporter Haringey
- Natasha Posner Stop the War Amnesty Liberty member Haringey
- Nicole Charlett Unite member Islington
- Pablo Navarette film maker & journalist Hackney
- Pam Emmeran Retired Teacher Haringey
- Paolo Fiora FFCHS Hackney
- Paul Atkin Islington NUT Islington
- Paul Stanway Islington Green Party Islington
- Peter Owen GMB Islington
- Rashida Islam Stand Up to Racism Hackney
- Rohan Bundell NL People’s Assembly Against Austerity Camden
- Ronan McGuinness Macmillan Hackney
- Russell Taylor counterfire Camden
- Sarah Parker Haringey Left Unity Haringey
- Seán McGouran Campaign for Homosexual Equality Secretary Islington
- Tim Sawford D.T. Practice Designer Haringey
- Tricia Clarke Labour Party Islington
- Zulfia Abdullaeva Amnesty International Campaigner Haringey
- Barbara Barnett Hackney
- Bea Symington Hackney
- Ben Soffa Islington
- Ben Millard
- Brenda Wishart Islington
- Brendan Sheerin Haringey
- Daniella B Camden
- Darryl Walker Haringey
- Drewery Dyke Hackney
- Ed Armston Hackney
- Eleanor Lakew Camden
- Gareth Nicholas Hackney
- Gemma Twells Haringey
- Hanna Rose Madsen Student Camden
- Ian Chamberlain Islington
- J Cameron Islington
- Jenni Chan Islington
- Jon Price Islington
- Lisa maracani Hackney
- Lorraine Tillett Hackney
- Lynn Hemming Islington
- Mairtin Donaghey Islington
- Marybeth Ali Haringey
- Melike Sen Haringey
- Mohammed Ali Haringey
- Natasha Sivanandan Haringey
- Nilofer Alaud-Din Barnet
- Patricia Howlett Hackney
- Paulo Rebeyl Islington
- Ricardo Sajor Haringey
- Ruth Clarke Islington
- Stuart Goodman Barnet
- Sweta Choudhury Haringey
- V. Ashby Islington
- Z. Sullivan Islington
Copyright © 2015 North London Open Letter 4 UN Anti-Racism Day, All rights reserved.