This branch/region/committee notes
We face a growing racist offensive, with Boris Johnson’s government deploying the politics of divide and rule to scapegoat refugees, migrants and the Muslim community. The Nationality & Borders bill attacks basic citizenship rights, and the government’s CRED report denies the existence of the institutional racism. Islamophobia and antisemitism are on the rise and the Far Right are a growing threat across Europe.
This branch/region/committee believes
Our trade unions are critical in organising the mass anti racist movement we need to challenge every instance of racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism, and opposing the threat posed by divisive racist in our communities and workplaces, the far right, and fascism
This branch/region/committee resolves
To affiliate to Stand Up To Racism
To support the Stand Up To Racism – TUC backed March Against Racism for UN Anti Racism Day on Saturday 19th March in London & Glasgow and Sunday 20th March in Wales. To co-host our local events with SUTR, add our logo to promotional materials and make a donation of … to help fund the day.
- Events in the UK are being organised in conjunction with the #WorldAgainstRacism international coordination of anti racist movements – who are organising protests on the same weekend.
- Pay the affiliation fee via a BACS payment to: Stand up to Racism, Sort code: 60 83 01, Account number: 2036 6698, and then email us at [email protected] to inform us of your affiliation, the payment of your fee, and to request a receipt which we will then provide by email.
- Or pay the affiliation fee online at and then email us at [email protected] to inform us of your affiliation, the payment of your fee, and to request a receipt which we will then provide by email.