UN Anti Racism Day will see international protests taking place in cities around the world under the slogan ‘World Against Racism & Fascism’.
You can follow the growing list of countries signing on to the call and organising coordinated demonstrations on 19 March HERE, where you can also view and share the statement, and the international press release launching the global day of protest for UN Anti Racism Day 2022.
At a time when governments are intensifying hostile environments for refugees and migrants, when the #BlackLivesMatter movement is exposing the depths of institutional racism, and when the far right and fascist forces continue to pose a threat, the day of international demonstrations is extremely important.
Here in Britain we have a cabinet, led by Johnson and Patel, launching a racist offensive, with their Nationality and Borders Bill, Policing Bill, and Higher Education Bill representing a raft of intensified racist policy attacking refugees and migrants, Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities, and the #BlackLivesMatter and wider anti racist movement. They denied institutional racism in their CRED report, and attacked footballers who did #TakeTheKnee actions against racism.
We need to mobilise the anti racist majority in big numbers, and build the mass anti racist movement we need to challenge Johnson and Patel’s racist offensive. Join us on Saturday 19 (and Sunday 20) March 2022 on the streets, and share and invite widely
HERE you can access and share a google folder including graphics and materials to publicise the events. The folder includes PDFs for leaflets, posters and stickers, as well as a copy of this letter, and will be added to each week as we develop more social media graphics, posters etc.

Saturday 19 March 2022 – 12 noon – BBC Portland Place, London
Facebook details here
Click here for transport details
12 Noon: March assembles at BBC Portland Place
12.15 – 1.15pm: Starting rally
1.30pm: March sets off, marching down Regent Street, through Piccidilly Circus, on to Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall past Downing Street to Parliament Square for end rally.
2.15pm: Accessible March route assembles at Richmond Terrace (on Whitehall directly opposite 10 Downing Street), and marches to Parliament Square for 2.30pm rally, passing straight down past parliament, and entering the Square at the Victoria Street corner.
2.30 – 3.30pm: End rally
4pm: Departure for coaches

BBC Portland Place rally (12.15 – 1.15pm):
Comperes: Myriam Kane & Naima Omar, Stand Up To Racism
Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism co convenors, Wilf Sullivan TUC Race Equality Officer, Enver Solomon CEO Refugee Council, Chantelle Lunt Merseyside BLM, Aman Ali MEND, Clare Mosely Care4Calais, David Rosenberg Jewish Socialist Group, Mejindarpal Kaur Sikh Council, Virgil Bitu GR8, Shelly Asquith, Stop The War Coalition, Jake Bowers Drive2Survive, Bhavini Patel, Extinction Rebellion, Ahammed Hussain MPACUK, Krzysia Balinska POMOC, Ebrima & Millicent Unite Barts Health strikers, Asad Rehman War on Want, Aidan Stop Asian Hate, Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi Jewish Voice for Labour, Bella RMT migrant worker striker, Maz Saleem, daughter of Mohammed Saleem, Sukhdev Reel, mother of Ricky Rell – statement, Marvina Newton United For Black Lives
2pm Roll Deep (Rikodan, Flodan & DJ Karnage) performing at Parliament Square as march arrives
Parliament Square rally (2.30pm – 3.30pm)
Comperes: Sabby Dhalu Stand Up To Racism coconvenor & Nahella Ashraf Stand Up To Racism North West
Matt Wrack FBU general secretary, Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism co convenor, Jermaine Jackman winner of The Voice, Bell Ribeiro Addy MP, Michael Rosen poet & author, Gloria Mills Unison Head of Equalities, Richard Burgon MP, Ukrainian refugee, Fahim Pashtoon Wardag, Afghan Human Rights Foundation, Frances O’Grady TUC general secretary, Kevin Courtney, NEU general secretary, Diane Abbott MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Zita Holbourne PCS Vice President, Paula Peters, DPAC, Jennifer Moses, NASUWT National Official, Steve Hedley RMT assistant general secretary, Vicky Blake UCU president, Ragad Altikriti MAB president, Ricky Jones TSSA BAME lead organiser
Saturday 19 March 2022 – 11am – Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow – marching to George Square for rally
Facebook details here
Click here for transport details
11am: March assembles on Kelvin Way in Kelvingrove Park
11.30am: March sets off
Exit Kelvingrove Park to Kelvin Way , Sauchiehall Street, Kelvingrove Street, Argyle Street, St Vincent street,P itt Street,West George Street, Blythswood Square, West George Street and then to George Square.
12.15: Accessible march route assembles in Blythswood Square.
12.30 March arrives at George Square, rally starts
George Square (12.30 – 2pm):
Comperes: Talat Ahmed, Stand Up To Racism Scotland convenor and STUC Black Workers Committee, and Pinar Aksu, SUTR and human rights activist
Tabassum Niamat (Kenmure St resident involved in stopping the deportations), Aamer Anwar (lawyer of Sheku Bayoh’s family), Khadija Mohammed (STUC Black Workers Committee), Robina Qureshi (Positive Action in Housing), Roz Foyer (STUC general secretary), Sabir Zazai (Scottish Refugee Council chief executive), Rakiya Suleiman (Unison Scotland black members chair),
Humza Yousaf (SNP MSP for Glasgow Pollok), Lena Wånggren (UCU Scotland president), Andrene Bamford (EIS president elect), Linsay Taylor (Muslim Engagement & Development), Maurice Naftalin (Scottish Council of Jewish Communities), Fayrouz Kraish (Unite Scotland), Jane Peckham (NASUWT deputy general secretary), Paul Sweeney (Labour MSP for Glasgow region), Gordon Martin (RMT Scotland organiser), Rahela Cirpaci (Romano Lav), Scott Hartles (CWU Scotland), Liz McGachey (PCS Scotland committee vice chair), Colin Brown (FBU Scotland), Mohammad Asif (Afghan Human Rights Foundation director), Gary Kelly (TSSA Scotland organiser), Ruby Hirsch (Stand Up to Racism)
Plus performances by Love Music Hate Racism: Claire Torrance, Adnan Shamdin and Romane Ciernia

Sunday 20 March 2022 – 12 noon – City Hall, Cardiff
Facebook details here
HERE you can access the model motion calling for support for the demonstrations (please edit accordingly for Glasgow and Cardiff marches if you are in Scotland or Wales)
Click Here to download letter to unions
Click Here to download letter to organisations
Click Here for graphics for London demo
Click Here for graphics for Glasgow demo