Latest reports on SUTR stop the far-right activities – from Hackney to Leicester

Hackney NEU

Pictured above: 42 NEU members at a Hackney school are supporting the call out to stop Tommy Robinson on Oct 26, and if necessary other far right groups on Sept 28. They also voted to call for an anti racism themed week in November.

Bournemouth counter protest

Pete reports – 100+ anti racists against 40 ish fascists in Bournemouth. They left demoralised.

Pictured above: Stand Up to Racism confronts the Far Right in Bournemouth


Michael reports – We had a great Stand Up to Racism (on Friday 20th September) stall outside Brixton tube tonight! 8 of us handed out hundreds of ‘Stop the Far Right on Oct 26th’ flyers, and took 2 sheets worth of names of people who want to join SUtR and get involved. It’s a fantastic start to our anti-racist, anti-fascist campaign. LONDON IS ANTI-FASCIST!

Stop Farage protest at Reform UK conference

Hackney SUTR assembly

A Hackney SUTR assembly was held in Cazenove Mosque with many in the room coming after prayers. Speakers included the Iman, Rabbi Gluck and Jo Cardwell (pictured above). Not the meeting we expect but it was very uplifting).

Tower Hamlets NEU

National Education Union (NEU)Tower Hamlets district supports the SUTR mobilisations – they plan to build for the 26th October Stop Tommy Robinson protest in every school.


Miriam reports – Stall at Forest Gate station (pictured below); positive responses for our Stop the Far Right public meeting next week. Also pictured below, campaigning and fundraising at one of Newham’s mosques.


Southend sutr campaign stall for 26th oct mobilisation

Great response to the Stand Up To Racism stall in Southend today building for October 26th counter protest to Tommy Robinson and the Far Right demonstration in London

Communication Workers Union SUTR-branded t-shirts

50 CWU reps in East London are wearing the SUTR logo on their t-shirts. The CWU organises postal workers.

Farnham College

Image provided with thanks to activists from South London who did a SUTR stall at Farnham college today which got great support!

Students very interested, wanting to discuss what happened last month. Many were very clear about how important it is to confront the fascists, and to bring people with them on 26 Oct. A student took a poster to put on his front door and wants to circulate details to other students. Staff very supportive – two staff agreed to forward SUTR’s model motion to trade union reps at the college.

Four sheets of students’ (and some staff) contact details collected to keep in touch with them, and with each other, in the month up to 26th October Stop Tommy Robinson protest.


Christine reports – Great response in Leicester to our SUTR stall on Saturday building for our Assembly on 26th and the protest against the Reform UK conference in Birmingham on 20th September


Richard reports – Bulwell Market, Nottingham – good reception, young people keen to get involved. Lots of stickers and leaflets distributed.


Great SUTR campaign stall response to stall in Finchley today. Collected names, gave out flyers for counter protest on 28th September in Trafalgar Square. Another stall is being organised for next week.


SUTR social – Hulme Garden Centre

After a busy week for GM SUTR with 3 stalls and a public meeting in Salford, we had a great social to end the week. (Nahella reports)

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