Latest reports on anti-racist activities – from Pembrokeshire to the TUC conference in Brighton

stand up to racism at TUC conference Brighton 2024

Reports from anti-racist and anti-fascist activity from around the UK in the second week of September 2024 (Pictured above – SUTR fringe meeting at the 2024 TUC conference in Brighton)


40 attended a SUTR organising assembly in Haverfordwest mosque, Pembrokeshire on Tuesday 10th September.

Speakers from NEU, PCS, Muslim community, asylum lawyer and SUTR followed by a discussion including contributions from three Labour councillors.

An organising committee was formed from the meeting and agreed that we would hold monthly meetings.


Excellent 50-strong organising assembly was held in Bournemouth on 10th September.

bournemouth sutr meeting
bournemouth sutr meeting

SUTR at the Trades Union Congress

Sean reports – Great turn out to SUTR TUC fringe after congress passed the motion unanimously which called on support for SUTR.

SUTR fringe meeting at TUC conference 2024
SUTR at TUC conference 2024

Pic credits: Sean Vernell

The TUC conference passed a motion to support the protest against Tommy Robinson on 26th October. The TUC’s affiliate unions represent more than six million workers across the UK.

National Education Union produces anti-racist and anti-fascist resources

Morning Star wrap-around for Stand Up to Racism – Thank you!


Anti-racism campaigner Kwabena Devonish is facing charges under the Terrorism Act for allegedly “inviting support” for a proscribed organisation during a speech made at a pro-Palestine demonstration in Cardiff in November 2023.

More details here:


haringey sutr meeting 10th september

50 people attended the Haringey SUTR emergency meeting and LMHR launch on 10th September. NEU, CWU, Unison, Haringey Trades Council and Haringey Community Action Network banners and flags present.

Great range of speakers from unions, community groups and the local Palestine group. Local artist Mr Sols launched LMHR with his brilliant spoken word.

Unified resolve to build a big turnout for September 28th and October 26th. Everyone signed in so got lots of new people including school students.

Unison branch announced they are putting SUTR affiliation to their next meeting – NEU have already passed one.


Nottingham SUTR at the Nottingham Green Festival – Sunday 8th September

Richard reports – Pics From today at the Nottingham Green Festival – lovely and v busy afternoon. A few thousand there.

SUTR at nottingham green festival
SUTR stall at nottingham green festival

For future activities check out the listings of upcoming events.

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