Keep Racism Out of the election – day of action a big success – next day Friday 19 May

Download the flyer here, or

email [email protected] to make bulk orders of the leaflet.

Stand Up To Racism groups and campaigners took the campaign to “Keep racism out of the election” onto the streets, campuses and workplaces yesterday (10 May).

Below are photos of Cambridge election candidates (pledging to keep racism out of the election) social workers in Swansea, UCL students, Tower Hamlets health workers, Council workers in Salford, campaigners in Hackney and Chesterfield and the whole of FBU Conference in Blackpool saying “Keep Racism out of the elction”.

More activity is planned next week in the campaign with a call for groups to organise activity on Friday 19 May, and a new leaflet, produced jointly with MEND calling to “Register now – vote against racism” available from this Friday 12 May.

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