Justice for anti-racism campaigner Kwabena Devonish – stop political trials

Anti-racism campaigner Kwabena Devonish (pictured above, centre, behind the banner) is facing charges under the Terrorism Act for allegedly “inviting support” for a proscribed organisation during a speech made at a pro-Palestine demonstration in Cardiff in November 2023.

Justice for Kwabena – stop political trials – please give generously to the gofundme financial appeal


Leading trade unionists and figures from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign are among the latest signatures to the Justice for Kwabena statement. UCU General Secretary, UCU national president Maxine Looby, UCU president-elect Maria Chondrogianni and Unison vice-president Lyn Marie O’Hara have been joined by Palestine Solidarity Campaign director Ben Jamal and PSC campaigns officer Celie Hanson in supporting Kwabena’s campaign. 

What you can do now: 

More details about the campaign, subscribe to the newsletter here: https://justice4kwabena.substack.com/

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