Jeremy Corbyn raises the roof at the stop the far right emergency campaign launch and fundraiser

Jeremy Corbyn MP raised the roof at the Stand Up to Racism #StopTheFarRight launch and fundraiser. More than 300 people packed into the Earth Hackney venue in Dalston to hear the speakers.

The Islington MP was joined by Chantelle Lunt who led the pumped audience in a rendition of “The people united will never be defeated!” at the electric gathering in Dalston.

Neville Lawrence, the father of Stephen Lawrence spoke from Jamaica.

Sabby Dhalu and Weyman Bennett, the two co-convenors of Stand Up to Racism, provided an overview of the protests of the past couple of weeks, and how this is just the beginning of the fight to push back the far right.

The MC for the event was national organiser Samira Ali.

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