• Johnson, Trump & the international far right: How do we unite to defeat them?
• Fighting racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism in Britain today
Saturday 19 October, 9.30am-4pm
Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Hosted by Stand Up To Racism
Fueled by Donald Trump’s presidency, racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism are on the rise.
Hate crime and far right terror attacks are at epidemic proportions, and the racist and fascist right are experiencing the biggest growth in their support since the 1930s.
In Britain, there is a toxic debate around the deepening Brexit crisis.
Meanwhile, mainstream politicians have relied ever more on ratcheting up racist division and scapegoating, deliberately fostering a ‘hostile environment’.
Populist racists
We now have racists centre stage of politics, with “Britain’s Trump”, Boris Johnson, sitting as prime minister. Whether you voted Leave or Remain, we must unite to oppose the racist agenda.
Johnson described Muslim women who wear the Burka as looking like ‘letterboxes’ and ‘bank robbers’. He described black people as having ‘watermelon smiles’.
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has built his career on scapegoating migrants and the Muslim community.
Fascist ‘Tommy Robinson’ and far right UKIP have been marginalised through successful anti-racist campaigning.
Johnson and Farage’s politics of intensifying mainstream racism and divide and rule, by scapegoating refugees, migrants and Muslims, will only embolden the racist and fascist right.
As thousands suffer as a result of the ‘hostile environment’, the Windrush scandal, institutional racism, the and the humanitarian crisis facing refugees – a Johnson government is fueling the fire.
On Saturday 19 October 11th anti racists and anti fascists from across Britain, Europe and the US will gather in London at this international conference.
Come and join the debate about how we build an international movement against racism and fascism and how we drive back the populist racism of Johnson and Farage.
Plenaries & workshops include:
• Challenging the rise of racism, Islamophobia and Antisemitism
• Windrush, Grenfell, deaths in custody – the fight for justice
• A coordinated international movement against Trumpism and the far right
• Love Music Hate Racism – culture and the anti racist movement
• Fighting the ‘Hostile Environment’ and Islamophobia in the age of Boris Johnson
• Reporting racism – the media & the growth of racist ideas
• Solidarity forever – refugees welcome here
Speakers include:
• Gary Younge Journalist
• Miguel Roldan Spanish firefighter
• Emma Dent Coad MP
• Richard Burgon MP
• Alex Mayer MEP
• Claude Moraes MEP
• Julie Ward MEP
• Jean Lambert Green Party
• Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary
• Kevin Courtney NEU Joint General Secretary
• Jane Loftus CWU Vice President
• Nita Sanghera UCU Vice President
• Anas Altikriti Muslim Association of Britain
• Ged Grebby Show Racism the Red Card Chief Executive
• Mohammed Kozbar Finsbury Park Mosque Chair
• Unmesh Desai Labour GLA Member
• Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism
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