For immediate release: Anti-racists condemn UKIP for manifesto pledge to ban the burka
Ukip leader Paul Nuttall has announced that his party will campaign to ban the burka. Campaign group Stand Up to Racism have condemned the move, stating that this confirms that Ukip is determined to inject even more racist poison into the election debates.
News also came today that a Ukip council candidate in Scotland has called for the guillotine, castration and flogging to be used as forms of punishment.
Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up To Racism Co-Convenor said:
“In France the restrictions on what women can wear helped to fuel the racist atmosphere that boosted Marine Le Pen. We hope that all election candidates will sign our pledge to keep racism out of the election.”
Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism said:
“Ukip is thrashing around for a way out of its crisis and, as usual it is looking for scapegoats. This campaign will mean more attacks on Muslims – in particular Muslim women – and more hatred and division,”
Notes to Editors:
1. A pledge for prospective parliamentary candidates will be launched this week. The pledge: ‘I’m standing up to racism in the General Election’ states: “Following the shocking rise in hate crime after last year’s EU referendum, I pledge in this election campaign to stand up to racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and the scapegoating of migrants and refugees.”
2. Stand Up To Racism is a national campaigning organisation supported by major trade unions, faith and community groups. They annually organise a national march against racism which this March mobilised over 30,000 people.