Help volunteer with Stand Up To Racism on Cop26 demos anti racist blocs – Climate refugees welcome!

Join the anti racist blocs on the major Cop26 demonstrations in Glasgow and London, and on local and regional protests across the rest of Britain (email us for your nearest one: [email protected])

Can you volunteer to help Stand Up To Racism, to spread the anti racist message and demand climate refugees are welcome, on the day of the demonstrations,  Saturday 6 November?

LONDON VOLUNTEERS: email [email protected].uk

GLASGOW VOLUNTEERS: email [email protected]

The eyes of the world will turn to Scotland, with mass demonstrations in Glasgow and London and a wave of local and regional protests, this November as the 16th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) takes place in Glasgow. Boris Johnson, whose pitiful record on climate change is as shameful as his history of racism and colonial apologism, will claim to speak for the people of England, Scotland and Wales, in his negotiations with world leaders.

Stand Up To Racism is rallying people to take part in marches and demonstrations in Glasgow, London, and other parts of England, Scotland and Wales, and around the world before and during the COP summit to demand serious international action on the climate emergency.  We demand a safe future for all under climate change but also to highlight why the climate crisis is a racist crisis, and the fact that migrants, and people of black and ethnic minories will be bearing the brunt of climate chaos and why there will be no climate justice without migrant and anti racist justice. 

Migrant led groups are mobilising and building large migrant justice blocs to represent the voices of people affected by migrant & racial injustice and climate justice issues locally & around the world. We will participate in the Global Day of Action on 6 November 2021 in Glasgow and London.

Stand up to Racism Glasgow is proud to be co hosting the #COP26Glasgow anti racist bloc along with others from the anti racist movement – join us Saturday 6 November, Kelvingrove Park, bloc assembling 11.30am:

In London, Stand Up To Racism will be joining and encouraging everyone to join the anti racist bloc on the march on the same day. 

Stand Up To Racism is looking for volunteers to help on the day in both London and Glasgow – email [email protected] to volunteer on the London march, and email [email protected] to volunteer on the Glasgow march  ✊🏾✊🏿✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊

If in Glasgow for #cop26action,  don’t miss this Monday’s meeting:

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