Far-right protests flop as anti-racists outnumber them across the UK


A tiny group of fascists were massively outnumbered by the SUTR counter demo in Trafalgar Square – 400 anti-racists versus a maximum of 10 demoralised-looking fascists.

Sasha adds – Epic fail by the fascist “unite the kingdom” ‘demo’ in Trafalgar Square today. 10 fascists tops. One stood proudly behind police lines with “ENGLAND” on the bar cross of St George but held it upside down for 15 minutes before one of the Nazis pointed it out. #NeverAgain


Tom reports – 30 of us in Rotherham. Good spread of organisations – Greens, Labour Councillors, NEU, Unison, PSC. Nazi rump of about 12-15. They started to get a bit agitated as they knew they’d lost but too small to cause any problems. We held the square with 30 or so.

Wrapped up with everyone safe and feeling good. Best thing is stopping Nazis having their day, but also great support from Local Government Unison – SUTR has been invited to address their branch exec on Thursday to build for the Oct 26th counter protest.


Sue reports – In Derby 50 anti-racists held a lovely, vibrant and joyous unity Rally with poets, music and children chalking the Council House steps. Two masked fascists tried to make a nuisance of themselves but no sign of a real far right presence.

Joined in Derby by the Coat of Hopes on its way to the museum (pictured below).


Saira reports – Fascists outnumbered at Pier Head today. This is the SUTR side. About 60 or so…

And here’s four fascists looking glum.


Martin reports – Our Swansea SUTR counter protest heard great speeches from the Council leader Rob Stewart and a message of support from the new Swansea West MP Torsten Bell. We heard from the NEU, UNISON and many local activists. Many speakers called for a mass mobilisation against Tommy Robinson on Oct 26th

And pictured below is the ragbag bunch of Nazis…


Becky reports – The far right were absolutely humiliated in Leeds today as 7 turned (pictured below) up to their ‘unite the kingdom ‘ event and were comfortably outnumbered by at least 50 across the day. There were also many who stopped by and others who came over from the Palestine demo nearby.

A great prelude to the unveiling of a blue plaque to remember the Battle of Holbeck Moor tomorrow when in 1936 30,000 Leeds people outnumbered 1-2000 of Mosley’s blackshirts.


Richard reports – The far right were a no show in Nottingham. Good turnout of up to 200 ant-racist. Nottingham East MP Nadia Whittome spoke at the Stand Up To Racism rally, amongst an array of speakers from various trade unions. Green and Labour Party Councillors also spoke.


Mark reports – Over 100 people joined the Unity Rally called by Stand Up To Racism Portsmouth today, to oppose a far right ‘Unite The Kingdom’ event, outnumbering about 50 on the other side.

Speakers included the chair of Portsmouth Trades Council and Maya, a young person from Portsmouth who spoke brilliantly about the contribution immigration has made to British history and culture, and the hypocrisy of those who scapegoat migrants for their own agendas.

The Leader of Portsmouth City Council, announced that a cross-party group of councillors had signed the pledge to become a Council of Sanctuary, and debunked the fear-mongering and dog whistles from one particular councillor by explaining what the pledge actually means and the kind of inclusive city we want to be.

Mentions of ‘Tommy Robinson’ drew predictable cheers from the racist side for their absentee Fuhrer, but speakers highlighted his long involvement with fascism and record of violence, with several people signing up for the coach from Portsmouth to the Stop Tommy Robinson demo (backed by the TUC) on Saturday 26 October – bit.ly/STR26OCT

A student activists from the Gaza Encampment in Portsmouth pointed out that those on the far right protest flying an Israeli flag are part of an organisation that spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories and stand alongside Holocaust-deniers. They hate the diversity of the movement for Palestine, with Muslim and Jewish people standing together for peace and justice.

A young speaker from India thanked anti-racists for coming out to oppose fascism and keeping our streets safe for everyone, and reminded us that the great poem ‘First they came.. ‘ by Pastor Neimoller shows how we all have an interest in standing against oppression, whoever is being targeted.

It was also a chance for us to sign people up to the new Stand Up To Racism Trade Union Network, launched this week to combat the threat posed by the far right.


Dean reports – We had a good counter protest in Ipswich today. Literally, a few far-right showed.

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