Day of action to build the stop Tommy Robinson demo on Oct 26th – reports from around the UK

Activists are out in force around the UK today as part of the day of action to mobilise for the 26th October demo to stop the fascist Tommy Robinson.

Reports indicate a head of steam is building up for the counter protest as the anti-racist majority at work and in the community organises to push back the hatemongers.

Check back for further updates on more activities as they happen.

Spreading the word at Filton Mail Centre

filton mail centre comes out strong for sutr counter demo against tommy robinson

Great to be at Filton mail centre, Bristol today spreading the word about the 26th October and SUTR. Lots of good contacts and hopefully extra people to join us on coaches from Bristol. We’re invited to return next Tuesday.

Islington Sixth Form students are anti-fascist!

sutr day of action islington 6th form

Students leafleting Islington Sixth Form at lunchtime. Gave out hundreds of leaflets. Students will be joining the leafleting of the local tube station this evening.

This north London school says stop the far right

london school sutr day of action to build oct 26th demo

A north London school staffroom this lunchtime. We chanted – ‘whose streets, our streets’. A number of staff took posters for their rooms.

From Glasgow to north London… flyposting everywhere for 26th October demo

Leafleting at Southwark Council in south London

Southwark Council joint SUTR and Unite stall with Cllr Reg Popoola

Sunnyhill NEU, Lambeth

Sunnyhill NEU, Lambeth, South London say Stand Up to Racism, Fascism and Tommy Robinson on October 26th.

Chelwood nursery school

neu and unison memebers at chelwood nursery - sutr day of action to build oct 26th demo to stop tommy robinson

NEU and UNISON members this morning at Chelwood nursery school. Joining in the day of action to build for the demo against Tommy Robinson and the far right!

Coventry Uni says no to Tommy Robinson!

Coventry Uni ran out of SUTR oct 26th leaflets…

Portsmouth Civic Centre

Leafleted the civic offices in Portsmouth this morning for the Stop Tommy Robinson Demo on 26 October. This from the lunchtime stall in the Guildhall Square where my colleagues wearing their UNISON year of the LGBT+ worker lanyards helped us out #StandUpToRacism

Get Tommy Robinson’s fascist book off Amazon – sign the petition

Petition – “We’re calling on Amazon to stop profiting from the latest book of Britain’s most prominent and controversial far-right activist, Tommy Robinson.”

Bournemouth sees off fascist flashmob threat last weekend

The fascists had a look at us & went elsewhere today in Bournemouth! We were outside one hotel and checked other possible spots. Refugees very happy to see us.

In the end a tiny number of far right driven out of town to wave their flags without us!

But they have much larger numbers already booked to go on Tommy Robinson demo so book on our counter protest coaches from Dorset or Bournemouth if you can!

Scoring big at the leafleting of Arsenal women’s football match

Really encouraging response at Arsenal women’s game this afternoon for the Tommy Robinson counter demo 26 Oct. Around 3k leaflets taken, lots of support, the most common comment ‘ Agree – thanks’ Thanks too to all who helped

Tower Hamlets organising assembly with Zarah Sultana MP and others

Haringey NEU reps supporting the mobilisation for the Oct 26th demo at a meeting last Friday

Haringey NEU Reps today supporting the 26th October SUTR demo against Tommy Robinson

Sheffield SUTR delegation to support Care4Calais

Sheffield delegation to Care4Calais – Refugees welcome here – stop the far right – no to racism and fascism.

Lewisham NEU all out for Oct 26th

Lewisham NEU gets behind the call-out for 26 October.

UCU members at City and Islington College are building for Oct 26th demo

city and islington college all out for 26th oct
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