Casey report fails to address racism and austerity – the real causes of social division

5 December 2016
Casey report fails to address racism and austerity – the real causes of social division
Anti-racist campaigners slammed Louise Casey’s Review into opportunity and integration. The report gives a number of recommendations that imply segregation is a problem, holds certain faith groups and communities responsible for this and gives numerous recommendations including the promotion of British values, suggesting immigrants pledge an oath on arrival to Britain and teaching English. Campaigners argue that the report does not address the real causes of social division.
Various academics including Danny Dorling, Ludi Simpson and Ceri Peach have conducted extensive research on integration and segregation. These studies show society is becoming more integrated. Where segregation does exist, income levels and institutional racism are more decisive factors than communities choosing to ‘self-segregate’. 
Crucially the report gives no recommendations on reducing racist and Islamophobic attacks and institutional racism. In the two months after the EU referendum racist attacks increased by over 32 per cent. Before the EU referendum incidents of anti-Muslim abuse and attacks in public areas rose by 326 per cent in 2015, with women disproportionately targeted. The extent to which communities are “integrated” has no bearing on whether they are subject to violent racist attacks. 
Campaigners argue that government funding for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) has been cut and immigrants being forced to pledge an oath to an ill-defined concept of British values will not solve any of the above problems. The government should instead abandon its austerity agenda and its promotion of scapegoating immigrants and Muslims – the real causes of social division.
Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up to Racism Co-Convenor said:
“Louise Casey’s review concedes to racism by suggesting that faith or the lack of integration is the root of division in society. This is not only factually incorrect but dangerous in the current climate of rising racism post the Brexit vote and Trump victory in the US Presidential election. Launching political attacks about the importance of speaking English whilst cutting funding for ESOL is grotesque hypocrisy. 
“British values can be defined as religious tolerance, religious freedom and as an island based on waves of immigration for thousands of years supporting multiculturalism. However this is not Louise Casey’s nor the government’s definition. Forcing immigrants to pledge an oath to Casey’s ill-defined concept of British values is not going to solve anything. 
“The murders of Mohammed Saleem and Mushin Ahmed; and racist and Islamophobic attacks on Muslims did not happen because of a lack of integration or weakness in English language skills. Just like Stephen Lawrence’s murder had nothing to with integration, segregation and proficiency in English. These attacks took place because of racism and Islamophobia. 
“If the government is concerned about integration then it needs to abandon its austerity agenda and the scapegoating that has accompanied it. Austerity is crushing people’s living standards, therefore acting as a barrier to integration and failing to invest in housing, health and education. Institutional racism has been another barrier for which there has not been any leadership or commitment by the government to eradicate.
“Since Theresa May took office we have seen more austerity and more racism – these are the real reasons for social division and any lack of integration that may exist.”
Weyman Bennett Co-Convenor of Stand up to Racism added:
“The rows over migration are based on a series of stereotypes about people who come to Britain and their descendants. We’re constantly told that migrants and particularly Muslims choose to “self-segregate” this a lie. The Casey report is an institutionally racist report and should be rejected. We need real solutions for real problems, instead of adding to the politics of racism and scapegoating.”
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