Build the Movement against Trump: March against Racism Saturday 18 March 2017

View from stage of Saturday's massive demo against Trump's Muslim ban
View from the stage at Saturday’s massive demo against Trump’s Muslim ban

Saturday’s magnificent 40k strong demonstration in London shows the scale of opposition to Trump’s Muslim Ban and his forthcoming state visit to the UK. The appeal court’s decision to rule against Trump’s ban being reinstated has not came about in a vaccum but as a result of the pressure put on the government both in the US and around the world.

In less than a week, Stand Up To Racism, Stop the War, MEND, People’s Assembly, MCB and MAB, CND, Friend’s of Al Asqa and Help Refugees Worldwide mobilised tens of thousands onto the streets of London. The platform of speakers showed the breadth of opposition against Trump. It including a video message from Jeremy Corbyn members of Parliament, trade unionists and speakers from Britain’s leading Muslim organisations.

Outside of the capital there were major mobilisations. 3,000 attended a demonstration in Manchester, 2,000 in Bristol, 1,500 in Sheffield and 500 in Birmingham and Leeds respectively. There were also demonstrations in Edinburgh, Barnsley and Scarborough.

See the Guardian report here
Aerial footage of the demonstration here
See SUTR film of the demo and speakers here
A massive step in building the campaign against Trump will be the March Against Racism on Saturday 18 March organised by Stand Up To Racism and backed by the TUC, MEND and a number of trade unions and organisations.
There are a series of mobilising rallies here around the country that you can get involved in and transport is already booked from many towns and cities.
This is an enormous chance to bring tens of thousands onto the streets against Trump and against the growling tide of racism in Britain and across Europe.

While Trump faces huge protests in the US and legal hurdles to his Muslim Ban it is crucial we continue to grow the movement by laying the basis for the biggest demonstration in UK history if Theresa May lets him come on a state visit.

We want to see a wave of protests in every town and city when the 2 million strong petition against Trump’s visit is debated in Parliament on Monday 20 February. Work with others to organise a protest where you are, organise activity on your campus or in your workplace and please let us know what is happening where you are.

In London people should flood down to parliament in the afternoon/evening and join the protest when the debate is on in the chamber.

On Saturday 18 February we are working with Stop the War, Muslim Association of Britain, People’s Assembly, CWU and Unite unions to organise the national Stand Up To Trump organising summit against Trump’s visit. This will take place at Friends Meeting’s House, London NW1 2BJ details here

We are asking every local Stand Up To Racism group to mobilise for this event and work with others to get the biggest possible turn out from your town or city.
Local groups should set up local Trump mobilising committees alongside Stop the War, MEND, the People’s Assembly, trade unions, faith groups and others. Please email us details of your local mobilising meetings at [email protected].
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