Anti racists stress urgency of resisting racism after horrifying Antisemitic murders by Nazi shooter at Synagogue in Halle

Wednesday 9 October

Anti racists are urging the necessity of organising across society to resist the poison of racist division in the wake of the horrifying Antisemitic murders during Yom Kippur of at least two people at a synagogue in Halle, Germany, carried out by a Nazi. Up to 80 people were inside the synagogue at the time of the attack.

The shooter called himself “anon” and said he was a Holocaust denier. He filmed himself before the attack in a 35 minute  livestream where he claimed that “Feminism is the cause of declining birth rates in the West, which acts as a scapegoat for mass immigration, and the root of all these problems is the Jew”. At least two people have been killed, outside the synagogue, and at a nearby kebab shop. 
Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism co convenor said 

“The world will be stunned and horrified today at the news of this despicable murderous Antisemitic attack at Yom Kippur. It takes place as part of a wider picture of far right and fascist violent attacks and massacres on the rise – from the attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh to the massacre at mosques in Christchurch, to the shooting on a black congregation in Charleston. The far right is on the rise across Europe, the US, Brazil and elsewhere. Disgustingly, we see mainstream politicians whipping up racist division and creating a ‘hostile environment’ that scapegoats and demonises migrants and refugees–from Trump, to Johnson. In doing so, they are creating space for open Nazis, they are giving cover to spread vile racist division. We know, not least from the history of the horror of the Holocaust, that the scapegoating of a particular community only opens the door to other forms of racism to be aired openly in society. 

“When we look at the powerful poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller – ‘First they came’ – the urgent lesson is that we must stand in unity and oppose every instance of racism, of Antisemitism, of Islamophobia… and that we must actively organise against and oppose all forms of racism to stamp out the space for fascists and the far right to gain confidence to carry out such unthinkable acts. This is what ‘Never Again’ must mean.

“We stand in full solidarity with those affected, with the Jewish community as a whole, and with all targets of racist attacks. And we condemn the atmosphere of racism that has been engineered by politicians across Europe, Britain, the US and over the world. They have played with fire. We must stand up now against racism, against fascism, and in unity.”

“On 19 October, we are holding an urgent and necessary international conference against racism, fascism, Islamophobia and Antisemitism, as part of a process of building an international network of opposition to the racist division that has led to the kinds of heartbreaking horrors we have witnessed again today. We say Never Again. We say this is something we must all act on.”

Notes for editors
Stand Up To Racism is a major anti-racist organisation with support across the labour and trade union movement and from many faith groups. We are holding an international conference against racism and fascism on Saturday 19 October. For speakers and themes go here 

For further information or interviews please call
Weyman Bennett on 07734 032 314
Julie Sherry on 07795412932
or email [email protected]

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