Anti racists say refugees are welcome, as a pitiful protest by fascists fails to turn out numbers in Dover

Anti racists gathered today in Dover to send a positive message that refugees are welcome here and that refugee lives matter. Up to 200 fascists had mobilised in opposition to this message, to spread hate and division. The small gathering of fascists was looking to build forces off the back of the vile racist scapegoating of refugees and migrants that we have seen from politicians and the mainstream media across the establishment in recent weeks.

Around 150 turned out on the anti racist demonstration organised by Kent Anti Racist Network, and supported by Medway Stand Up To Racism and other anti racists including the Rail, Maritime & Transport (RMT) union, the Communication Workers Union (CWU), and the Folkestone Mayor Jackie Meade, the local Trades Council and Green Party activists.

Eyewitness anti racists described the fascist mobilisation, saying,

“It was a poor turnout given all the hype and publicity surrounding their national call out. Nigel Marcham, the organiser, was led away from his demonstration by police.

“There were no players there from groups such as Britain First or For Britain, who have recently looked to intimidate asylum seekers at hotels, for example in Essex.

“A group of ‘Chelsea Headhunters’ (a notorious fascist football group, detested by the vast majority of Chelsea fans) met up with a few thugs each from Cardiff and Millwall and were involved in confrontations with the police. Some went back, frustrated, to Golden Lion pub.

“The fascist mobilisation included a mix of ex English Defence League (EDL) thugs too. Several were arrested and their demonstration dissolved.

On the anti racist side, there was a good mood of solidarity with refugees and hatred of far right, and it was mainly people from the local community.”

Given the fascist mobilisation was intended as a national one, it was a pitiful turnout for them. Of course, any time such dangerous and divisive forces raise their ugly head and try to build, it is vital that anti racists come together to oppose them.

The #BlackLivesMatter movement has blown open the deeply intitutionalised and violent nature of racism in society. It has done so at a time of intensifying crisis and a global pandemic that has been handled murderously by this government. We are seeing deepening polarisation, with far right forces taking confidence from the racism of Trump, Johnson and their ilk. The mass anti racist movement is crucial to turn the tide against the rise of racism. This task is urgent.

Weyman Bennett, co convenor Stand Up To Racism, said

The fascists and the Nazis have been given the green light by Trump, Johnson, and our vicious Home Secretary Priti Patel. They have reached into the gutter to attack desperate children refugees.

Rather than accept their incompetent handling of the Covid19 crisis and the consequences of that, they seek instead to divide Black and white, Muslim and non Muslim, and refuse to confront endemic racism in society.

It is important that we unite, Black and white, and fight back.”

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