ShareTweetForward Press Release… for immediate release… Care4Calais, PCS union & Stand Up To Racism to protest ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ at Parliament- 6pm tonight, Monday 27 March, demanding safe passage See event page: https://fb.me/e/L1lzfyO3 Full details and publicity: https://standuptoracism.org.uk/protest-mon-27-march-6pm-parliament-square/ Today, Monday, 27 March, the #IllegalMigrationBill – described h anti racists as “Sunak and Braverman’s latest brutal attack on the human rights of refugees” – is to be discussed in committee stage parliament, with amendments. Care4Calais & Stand Up To Racism have called a protest, 6pm on Monday at Parliament Square, alongside the PCS civil service workers’ union which has led opposition to the government’s border policies, and the People’s Assembly Against Austerity. The protest organisers are calling on people to join them opposing the bill, and supporting an amendment for a safe passage visa scheme that would enable those exercising their internationally and legally recognised human right to seek asylum to travel safely to Britain in order to persue their asylum claim. Speakers at the protest include a number of MPs such as Jeremy Corbyn, Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Richard Burgon and Beth Winter, alongside refugees, Care4Calais, PCS union and Stand Up To Racism, as well as representatives of trade unions, faith groups and campaigns. The protest will assemble 6pm in Parliament Square on Monday 27 March. The weekend saw anti racist and anti fascist counter mobilisations, organised by Stand Up To Racism, outnumber far right and fascist protests in Erskine, Wakefield, Manchester, Wallasey, Llantwit, Honor Oak and Newquay. Fascists and the far right are targeting refugees and LGBT+ people, whipping up racism and bigotry. Anti racists say that they are doing so in an effort to divide people, and to build their “vile and nasty organisations based on the politics of hate“. Organisers of tonight’s vigil argue: “While fascist organisation in Britain is extremely weak at present, we can see from across Europe and the US how these forces can grow at a time of crisis amidst despair. “History has shown us the danger if we don’t counter these forces, and stamp them out before they can grow to become a real threat. The far right and fascists are been fed oxygen to grow from the racist, dog whistle and scapegoating politics of this government. “We must counter every attempt by the far right to organise, and we must also take on the racist offensive they are pushing. “That’s why Stand Up To Racism, Care4Calais, trade unions and others have been mobilising alongside others around Britain to counter and outnumber protests by far right and fascist elements. And that’s why we are calling on everyone who can to join us outside parliament, 6pm tonight, Monday 27 March to oppose the #IllegalMigrationBill and support the #SafePassage amendment”. Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism co convenor, added: “The government’s new bill is yet another vicious assault on the rights of refugees and is about whipping up racist division to scapegoat refugees and migrants. “It is part of the racist rhetoric and policies that gives confidence to and fans the flames of the far right and fascist forces, who are actively organising in an attempt to build a racist movement against refugees.” Stand Up To Racism and Care4Calais, alongside trade unions and the wider movement, have pledged to continue to oppose the far right attempts to target refugees wherever they do so. Care4Calais, PCS and Stand Up To Racism have been part of arguing the importance of countering the far right and mobilising against them to send a clear message that racism must be actively opposed. Care4Calais, Stand Up To Racism and PCS also call on all anti-racists to support the Safe Passage policy developed by Care4Calais and the PCS union and supported by Stand Up To Racism, FBU, NEU unions and oothers. The amendment that will be debated at parliament on Monday has gained the support now of 21 trade unions. Organisers call on everyone opposed to this bill to join us in Parliament Square, tonight, Monday 27 March as the bill goes to Parliament, to say loud and clear that refugees are welcome. We call on everyone to lobby in support of the amendment demanding safe passage visas and oppose the #IllegalMigrationBill. See amendment (page16-17) here: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-03/0262/amend/illegal_migration_cwh_rm_0321.pdf See Safe Passage Visas policy document here: https://care4calais.org/safepassage/ To arrange further quotes and interviews: [email protected] |