Let the Families in Dunkirk In! #SafePassage.

It has now been confirmed that 80% of shelters have burnt in the Dunkirk Refugee Camp, destroying possessions and making 1500 residents of the camp homeless. Approximately half of population affected are now being housed in three nearby gymnasiums, providing safety and shelter for the remaining residents is still undecided.
We have one simple request, let these families into the UK. Enough is enough, many have already suffered the demolition of the Calais Camp which they call home. These families have been through enough trauma. These children need a safe passage NOW!
It is now critical that we take in all the families and children from Dunkirk and that we apply as much pressure as possible to our government. We will not stand by and watch our state do nothing, while this terrible events unfold before our eyes.
**Please note that this event will only go ahead if we can get 200+ people attending! we need to focus our efforts on making a difference!