Powerful #StopRacism #StopTheHate marches, rallies & #HouseAgainstHate rave put thousands on the streets

© Jess Hurd 16/03/2024 London. UN Anti Racism Day, Stand Up to Racism, Westminster. Photo credit: Jess Hurd


📣 The powerful #StopRacism #StopTheHate marches, rallies and #HouseAgainstHate rave on 16 and 17 March brought together thousands of anti racists to say loud and clear on the streets of London, Glasgow and Cardiff, #RefugeesWelcome #No2Islamophobia #DefendTheRightToProtest #Not2antisemitism #NoMoreDeathsInCustody #NoJusticeNoPeace #Union4Unity #DefendGRTcommunities #MigrantsWelcome #StopFarRight #NoRacismNoFascism #HouseAgainstHate #WeStandWithDianeAbbott

📣🚶🏾‍♀️✊🏿🎶 5,000 took to the streets in London, across the march and rally outside the Home Office, which then made its way past Parliament, past New Scotland Yard to highlight the ongoing fight for justice against police racism and violence, and round to Whitehall for the #HouseAgainstHate event outside Downing Street sent a fierce message against the racist division and hate being pushed by this government and seized upon by fascists and the far right.

The demonstrations across Britain were supported by 17 trade unions, Trades Union Congress (TUC), LoveMusic HateRacism, Peace and Justice Project, XR London, The Muslim Council of Britain, Jewish Socialists’ Group, Muslim Voices, Drive2Survive, Stop the War Coalition, The People’s Assembly Against Austerity, DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts), Care4Calais, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding and more.

📣🚶🏽‍♀️✊🏿 600 were out in Cardiff, co organised with Wales TUC Cymru rallying outside the Senedd, with a strong presence of union banners, justice campaigns and refugee rights and equality organisations, then the marching through the city and joining the Afrocluster gig.

📣🚶🏽‍♀️✊🏿 300 marched in Glasgow on a lively demonstration co organised by Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), from BBC Scotland to the Home Office, led by refugees from the Erskine hotel that has been targeted by the far right, with a strong representation of trade union and campaign banners. Marchers highlighted the ongoing fight for #Justice4ShekuBayoh, and well as opposing the Islamophobia and racism being pushed by the government, and called for building unity against Islamophobia, antisemitism and racism.

🌎 The marches were part of a global day of action, with anti racist demonstrations taking place internationally for UN Anti Racism Day to punch through the message that we are fighting for a #WorldAgainstRacism See: www.worldagainstracism.org and more reports and pictures to follow from the international protests that took place.

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